Originally posted by Jan
Actinic bods seems to diving into the trenches, that is not needed at all, all that is being said is it was one big feature or one 'wow' short of something really successful. It's an OK release, after the past 18 months, we needed a 'wow'. As i have already self proclaimed, i am cynical, but i have really tried to look positively on this, it's an OK release, 3 months too early and one feature light for me. VAT + GC, or VAT + checkout is what it needed to do, just for the shear discussion and wow factor. It's easy to forget what a turbulent 18 months it has been.
Like you i also get a good feel in the software, i seem to be clicking more than ever, but that might be because of the preview tab which is a nice feature. They came close with this release IMO, which is a big improvement.
I am interested in what non-web designers and non-actinic people think of it, these are the people whose opinions really count IMO.