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Merge Request Error

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    Merge Request Error


    I'm wanting to upgrade from Actinic version 6 to 8. I have version 6 running fine, and currently have the demo version of 8 installed as well. I have put my old site on the version 8 and tried to upload the store, but I keep getting a merge request error. I also get an error telling me that the CGI scripts are not executing properly on the server when I click the test button in the Advanced Network Setup. I have tried compacting the database, and refreshing the site several times. Deleting everything from the server and refreshing. I have deleted most of the site to speed uploading, and the server isn't timing out on the merge request, yet I still keep getting the merge request error. My permissions are also set correctly.

    I can still get the version 6 to work fine if I upload it, yet with the exact same settings, version 8 keeps getting the merge request error. Is this due to me trying to get it working in the demo version, or is it something else? I'm wanting to get it running before we buy the upgrade as I have read a few posts on here where people just have not been able to get it working, not very good if you have purchased the software already...

    Any help is much appreciated,



    Paul i take it you never searched the forum

    this is a common error and you will find thread after thread, please infuture search before posting, all it does is clutter the forum with useless threads

    now delete this post




      I have searched the forum extensively. If you had taken the time to read my post I think you would have realised this. I mentioned the fact that compacting the databases didn't work, refreshing the site didn't work, and I have checked the permissions are correct on the CGI bin, also the site uploads quickly, and I am pretty sure it isn't anything to do with the server timing out. Those seem to be the main problems regarding the merge request error, if I have missed something out then if someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

      Also I have been unable to find out if this problem is related to me having a trial version, though I don't think it is, if this is the case and I have missed it while looking through the forum then I'm sorry for posting about it, but I can't find anything on this.

      If you took the time to read my first post you will also notice that I have a copy of version 6 which works fine using the same settings as the v8. I am also getting an error telling me that the CGI scripts are not executing properly on the server when I click the test button in the Advanced Network Setup which I imagine is related. When I do this in the version 6 I have it also works fine.

      Also if you took the time to read my post you would find out that I did actually say that I have searched the forums already. Please take the time to at least read the posts that you reply to, as posting a comment like the one you just did simply clutters the thread and makes me repeat myself, both of which are a pain for anyone else reading.

      Any help much appreciated,




        Try uploading the default site that is shown when you first use v8. That will eliminate any upgrading issue. Also try a network test on the default site first and if you get any errors post your settings here (sans passswords etc) annd the errors.

        (If you have already upgraded your v6 site into v8 then delete the SIte directory and reinstall Actinic and it will show the clean site again.)

        You could also download the new v9 beta to see if it also has the same issue.

        If you find, as I suspect, that the merge error etc. only shows after upgrading the v6 site then contact Actinic support and they should be able to assist.


          Duncan beat me too it. There was something similar to this the other day but as he says get the site working with the default site and then upgrade your V6. Once its loaded then consider doing a redesign building in all the new V8 features as simply upgrading will not put these in for you and will leave lots of code crap in the site which will give you problems for years to come!


            Are you uploading the V8 site in test mode or are you 'over-writing' the V6 live site with a live version of V8?

            Have you tried changing the script ID (Network settings) and then doing a(nother) complete purge and refresh?



              i did read your thread and i noted the points, which i why i stated you obviously have not searched. Everything you mentioned is found in all these threads


              OMFG search works thats strange, and there is probably another 6 more that are relivant to your problem, as for pain to anyone else reading it, posting it in the first place was a pain



                drounding, RuralWeb, thanks for the suggestions, I'll try them out and then let you know the results.

                budgetbumps, It's a new url I'm using, with the same ISP as the other site we have, that's why the settings are the same as the older version of Actinic. So it's a totaly new instalation, I'm not running it in test mode, or over-writing the v6 site. When I did test the V6 site on the new url, I totaly deleted the acatalog folder and everything in the CGI bin when I went back to retry the v8. I have tried changing the script ID and then doing a complete purge and refresh, it just gave the same error.

                Darren, I've already found and read those posts, I even contributed to one of them , and as I said above none of the solutions mentioned works. Are you trying to get your post count up or somthing?




                  Paul im am not that vein to want to get post counts, I notice you now say its a new domain with an existing isp.

                  is this a new hosting package?
                  are you trying to upload to a domain name that is an alias? i.e yet the main account is a .com



                    Ok, I finally managed to get this sorted out. After trying several of the things already suggested and still having no luck I uninstalled v8 completely, then reinstalled it again. This seemed to fix whatever the problem was, so it just seems there was some problem with the installation I was using. I didn't think to do this earlier as everything else seemed to be working fine...

                    Thanks for the help,


