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Outer Layout not Retained

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    Outer Layout not Retained

    To save on editing multiple outer layouts I set the Brochure pages to use the standard section page layout under the advanced theme configuration.

    I ensure the section layout is available in the brochure layout selector and then select the section layout. The layout is applied fine. All is working as it should.

    On one site upon restarting Actinic the brochure pages have reset back to use the default brochure layout - every other site behaves correctly and retains the layout applied.

    The temporary solution has been to copy the section code into the brochure code... but any ideas why this is happening?

    MS v8.5.1 using lightly modified Executive Theme

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


    I discovered something similar in the alpha of V9, where outlayouts were not being remembered, i also know i was not the only one, it was noted as a bug. Maybe it is there in V8.5



      Jont - did it happen after importing a snapshot? I reported a similar thing in 8.5.2 and V9 where following importing a snapshot layouts were not being remembered. I found that on some sites it could be fixed by importing the snapshot twice.


        Thats what triggered it, new sites were fine, but imports caused it to crash when you tried to change it back

        and for no reason you would restart and it had changed them, import twice theres a thought



          similar issue with fragments forgetting their layouts on copy/paste


            It reminds me of the designer bug in V8 where you had to import snapshots twice to get design snapshots to work


              Originally posted by RuralWeb
              Jont - did it happen after importing a snapshot?
              The vanilla ACD was imported, worked on (including changing the brochure to section layout) and then closed. Opening again loses the brochure layout. The loses are from changes post importing the ACD and not included within the original ACD

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Originally posted by jont
                The vanilla ACD was imported, worked on (including changing the brochure to section layout) and then closed. Opening again loses the brochure layout. The loses are from changes post importing the ACD and not included within the original ACD
                this is similar to what I have seen . The adc import seems to make actinic loose its memory either you notice it immediately or it shows up later when working. V9 alpha had the same problem but was fixed. I guess we will have to wait until the next version of v8 to get a fix if it is a bug.


                  Originally posted by RuralWeb
                  seems to make actinic loose its memory either you notice it immediately or it shows up later when working
                  Marvellous stuff

                  I am going to remove the battery from the motherboard so each time the PC boots I have to manually enter settings again and delete contacts from my phone ... who needs data retention when you can input them manually each time.

                  Future-retro. It's right here. Right now.

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



                    I've been able to recreate this in 8.5.2 but have found the workaround that should make it stick. After making the change in the 'Design | Themes | Advanced Themes Configuration | Page Layouts' window, go into 'Settings | Site Options | Layouts' and click 'OK'. This seems to fix the layout so that the next time you open the software it is retained.


                      Thanks Tracey - that has retained the brochure layout upon re-opening

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

