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Email Addressee

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    Email Addressee

    I don't know if this carries over from V8 as I don't have that version. But a search for the correct term 'addressee' did not throw anything else up.

    In V9 Customer Accounts, better than V7, there are now two fields for the customer's name - First Name, Last Name - and as these are filled, the next field 'Name' is completed for you.

    However, when you go to send the Password email (and probably other emails, haven't got that far yet) the email is addressed to 'Name' when 'First Name' might be better.


    First Name: Joe
    Last Name: Bloggs
    Name: Joe Bloggs

    Email: Dear Joe Bloggs

    Preferred: Dear Joe

    Can this be editted in the Email template? I can't find 'First Name' in the Variables Reference Guide, or in the Library of Variables, or in 'Insert Variable', or in Help - I can only find 'BuyerName', which is what causes it.

    Paul - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

    Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.

    Good point

    You can use ContactInvoiceFirstName and ContactInvoiceLastName in the other emails, but I can't find an equivalent for the buyer name. I'll check with the team and get back to you.


      Hi Paul

      There's no variable for BuyerFirstName and BuyerLastName at the moment. I've asked for them to be added. I don't think it will make it into the first release though as we are heading towards the end of the beta program.

