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Standard Size Image

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    Standard Size Image

    My product descriptions follow on from my image width which are now fairly standard but there are a couple of variations where the image is smaller, so it is obvious because the text is slightly out of alignment when you look at all the products. Is there a way that I can set the standard image size for all products so that if an image is a little smaller it does not throw out the text?

    I think your simplest solution to this would be to make all your images the same size. In an image editor you could make a blank canvas the same size as your 'normal' images and then just paste in your smaller image and save. That way you won't have to change any layouts or code for just a few image variations.


      Not seeing which layout you are using is second guessing but if you are using one of the standard CSS layouts where the image is floated to the left you can wrap the text between a <div> then style this in the actinic.css to have a fixed left margin so as to clear the image (with a little extra for padding) and always be in the same position on the page.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

