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Hiding pages from the menu

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    Hiding pages from the menu

    I want to create a product page which can only be accessed by a direct link, and not be shown on the menu. I want to be able tio create bespoke pages for other sites to link into. Sorry if this has been discussed before, I have tried searching and looking at the user guides.

    Knowing which layout / theme you are using would have been handy but the concept is to create a user defined variable in the library set at the section level ... this can be set to a true / false option. Set the parent to say true.

    Wrap your section layout code in a block if to test if the UDV is true. Set the sections you wish to hide to false to remove from the layout list.

    You may also need to do the same with the sitemap layout also to prevent a listing.

    The page will still be there (and accessible) but it will be removed for the mass public browsing the site.


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Step by step help please

      I am looking to do the same as the original post. I want to hide certain pages from the content tree - but they are accessible through a link.

      This is an option on many "free" templates so cannot understand why it is not available in Actinic as a one step procedure.

      I have not touched the layout codes before so please can someone explain in dummies language how I do this.

      I am currently using "Prime" theme - if that helps.

      Help would be greatly appreciated as this would really finish off my project and get my set more how I want it.

      Thank you in advance for any help offered

