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Section Layout Problems

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    Section Layout Problems


    I think I've got myself into a right old pickle!

    I've managed to get my section and sub section links working as per the attached image 'text.jpg'. The problem I've got is when I try and change the main product area to display images of these sub sections it also alters the section links in the left hand column as per 'image.jpg'. I just can't figure out how to make them both have separate layouts. Text links down the left and images in the main window in between the horizontal dotted lines.

    The section link layout is currently set to CSS Section Link Layout which I have modified for my text links.

    It seems that the Section Page With Section Name At The Top layout has the same Standard Sub Section List as the Standard Top Level Section List on the left hand column. If I try and delete or modify either of them it always affects both of them.

    I hope all that makes sense, this is my first V8 site so I'm still getting to grips with it. If anyone can shed any light on this I'd be most grateful.

    Thanks very much
    Attached Files

    As you say you need a different layout for the 2 parts ... in the library find the layout being used... right click and select "new layout" .. give it a new name and set the layout to be based on the existing.

    You can now edit this new layout and then insert this as required (depending on which one you edited)

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks Jont. I think I'm getting there.

