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V8.5.2 Error when printing data entry report.

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    V8.5.2 Error when printing data entry report.

    I have 8.5.2 installed on a spare system and have recently installed V9beta2 on it.

    I open a bog-standard demo site on V8, go to Settings / Business Settings / Order Processing and check Enable Data Entry Reports.

    Now when I open any order on any site (including the demo orders that came with the default site) and do Reprint Packing List / Data Entry Report / Preview, I get the following error:

    Error in File C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\DataEntry.rpt:
    Error in formula <CCStart>.
    'If {Orders.nEncryptionType} = 2 And Not IsNull({Orders.sEncryptionData}) Then'
    A number, currency amount, boolean, date, time, date-time, or string is expected here.
    Other reports seem to preview OK.

    Has anyone else seen this? I'm a little worried that it's happening on a system with V9Beta2 installed.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

    Presumably re-registering the CRUFLActCardCrypt.dll sorts the problem - in which case it's surfaced again. (regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\CRUFLActCardCrypt.dll" )

    I tested this with v850 and v9 IBSA (with a modified dll) which fixed the problem for me. I believe this was rolled out in ICLA and it appeared to fix the problem for me.

    It seems there is still a problem though in some installations then.


      Hi, Duncan

      Thanks for the info. That regsvr command worked for me here. I'd tried searching for CCStart and other unique strings in the above error message but hadn't found anything.

      My V9 is ICLA but I can't remember if I'd unstalled an earlier V9's on it.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        If you had previously installed IBSA then it would explain things (although you would probably have noticed the data entry report problem earlier), if not then there could still be a problem.


          yer i had it when i was messing with the alpha release, by the time i got the fix, i had uninstalled v9 because my production v8 stopped working aswell



            yer i had it when i was messing with the alpha release, by the time i got the fix, i had uninstalled v9 because my production v8 stopped working aswell



              Can I just resurrect this thread as I'm having this same problem again.
              I'd 'fixed' it previously when I'd installed the beta.

              I have 8.5.1 installed alongside the release version of 9.0.1

              Surely this was supposed to be fixed so it doesn't interfere any more? (I did a full uninstall of V9 before installing 9.0.1)


                also, I don't seem to be able to 'fix' it like before


                  Hmmm mine works just fine - "YOU" broke it


                    oh fgs

                    I HATE uninstalling and reinstalling...please say I don't have to do it AGAIN?


                      We did make some changes to fix this problem in v9, but the trouble was that no-one in Actinic was able to reproduce this error, so we did everything we could think of to stop there being any kind of issue between v8 and v9. We haven't had any reports in from other customers of this - so my guess is you've got something iffy knocking round from alpha days.

                      I would love to suggest something other than re-installing v8, but can't think of anything at the moment.

