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Offline Product Ref Case Sensitive

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    Offline Product Ref Case Sensitive

    When entering a product code (offline ordering) actinic cant find it if you use lower case letters, but finds it no problems if i use upper case, i did report this as a bug in the alpha testing.

    can someone else confirm they have the same problems


    Originally posted by Darren B
    When entering a product code (offline ordering) actinic cant find it if you use lower case letters, but finds it no problems if i use upper case, i did report this as a bug in the alpha testing.

    can someone else confirm they have the same problems

    Mine is working fine, Darren.
    I just entered 2 product codes, that I knew were capitals/mixed case in the catalogue, in lower case and it still found them ok.


      Now its funny when i reported it i was told they could not reproduce it, so i guess this could be a vista thing.

      Now i have just set this up on a completely updated system today, after v9 and me wrecked my pc, so it has V8.5 and V9 and nothing else on it. no old install nothing



        OK a couple of screen prints just to prove im not going mad

        Attached Files


          ok..looking at the screenies, I can see you're using the new order form (which I should have realised before)

          I'm only using Catalogue I can't test that!! (we lowly Catalogue users didn't get the pleasure *sigh* )


            I was trying this just now on XP and initially it was a problem then after messing around a bit it began working fine - there's definitely something not quite right. I haven't been able to replicate since.


              Hi Darren

              I've been testing this with your KitesRUs snapshot, and not getting anywhere yet on XP. I'll ask one of my colleagues to try it out on his copy of Vista and see if he can reproduce it.


                Thanks Chris, this snapshot is the plastic site, i can send that one aswell if you like



                  We couldn't reproduce this one on Vista with the KitesRUs site, so it looks like there is something specifically wrong with that plastics site. I suggest you contact the support team and they will be able to give you some pointers.


                    OK - just seen your other post. I'll email you the FTP details. I may as well take a look and I'll refer it to support if I can't figure out what's going on.


                      OK - there is something iffy in the plastics snapshot you sent as I have been able to reproduce the issue on this, but not on any of your other upgraded sites, or on a default site. I will need to refer this to the support team.

                      It's very odd as if you try 'gsw', get a failure, then add 'GSW', then reset the form you will find 'gsw' is found correctly the next time.


                        OK - we've tracked down what's causing the problem here and a fix will be in the first v9 maintenance release. Thanks for reporting it.


                          deja vu

                          funny i never found it before, just shows all the testing and still miss stuff


