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Shopping by size

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    Shopping by size


    I want to implement the option to "shop by Size". I selling outsize clothing from 2XL to 8XL. So I'd like an option where the customer can chose to view all valid the items of a particular size e.g. Just wants to see item that are a 3XL.

    Any ideas how I could do this?

    I suspect it might require some serious coding. But maybe someone has done this already. Any help would be appreciated.

    Matthew Wildeman
    2XL to 8XL Menswear

    In the past what I have done is to include the words 'Plus Sizes Available' in the long description fields of the relevant products. You can then build a link that will generate a search result for that phrase which will then return all the Plus products. A variation of that may help you.


      I'd add a size variable at product level and then either have a search that fired from those values or create a product list, where values of the same were included into the same product list. A lot depends on quantities IMO, it's no good showing a list of 100 XL products as that will just be a ballache to look through, you'd need to add further filtration in that scenario. Product categories can also be used, but you need to evaluate the numbers now and for the next 2-3 years and create a solution for that situation.


        To clarify I already use "Components" with sizes listed etc. I then use the "Permutations" with "valid" or "not valid" combinations (as a size / colour goes out of stock it is unticked as Valid).

        Could this somehow be used to pick out all those item with a "Valid" size the customer is looking for.

        I take the point about the number of products. I'd want to narrow the search to say "4XL shirts" or 4XL "jumpers" etc ie. sorted by Section

        Matthew Wildeman
        2XL to 8XL Menswear


          Your points make no difference IMO, i think at this stage you are probably best to create multiple sections (size, type, fit etc.) and then duplicate your products into the respective sections. People can then shop how they like with multiple methods offered which is a great solution anyway. You can even create sub headings and have a number of menus on the page, more than just one in other words (Shop by size, shop by brand, shop by type etc.)


            On one of my sites I set up several user defined variables which are populated against each product as a "tag" ... the tag is then populated into a search script to return all products with the tag word.

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

