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Order Prefixes Went All Weird

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    Order Prefixes Went All Weird

    Hey guys.

    Maybe I'm being delusional, but after our recent server change, our order numbers have messed up. I've searched the forum to no avail - the only order number problem I've found is referencing the order numeric number. Our problem is different.

    So, John Smith places an order, I'd expect the order number to be JSxxx...xx, however, order numbers are now coming through as SHxxx..xx, which is quite useless for order tracking. The problem isn't permanent, for every 5 orders one has this strange order prefix.

    I've checked the manual, and just about everywhere I could possibly think of - but haven't found a similar situation.

    Am I really going mad and have changed a setting (which, AFAIK, I haven't) - or is this a common 'live with it' problem?

    Another off course thought - is it advisable or necessary, to upgrade to V9 yet?


    Does the 'SH...' that you saw relate in any way to the customer name? Changing servers should not affect the order formatting. Yours should not be different unless you've changed some of the perl scripting.

    Upgrading to v9 is now possible and should in most cases be quite straight forward, compared to v7 to v8. There doesn't appear to any major hiccups with v9 so far.


      Hey Duncan.

      My apologies for making the OP a bit clearer. The order numbers prefix appears to be capturing the customers surnames first and last letter, John Smith or John Smith. I have only noticed this since we changed servers and looking back on older orders, the problem appears to have arisen after the move. I haven't changed any PERL scripts, largely due to a lack of knowledge of perl scripting.

      Looks like another good reason to upgrade to v9. On the subject of v9, which edition can be used so that 2+ computers (depending on # of licenses bought) can download orders and do minor updates simultaneously on the site. I read on somebody's blog that it was possible with one of the v7 editions, just not sure which?



        For v9 - you would need Business Plus with an additional client licence;
        for v7 - Business MultiUser - although you can only do design updates on one PC whereas with v9 you do it on more than one.

