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Adding links along the top.

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    Adding links along the top.

    Rather simple question - with most likely a simple answer.

    Im using a default actinic design - along the top of the page I have some text links.

    [ Home ] [ Store Top ] [ Terms & Conds ] [ Search ] [ View Cart ] [ Checkout ] [ Contact Us ] [ Login ]

    How would I go about adding a link in here for returns.

    I can add one by editing the html file - I know this - but I was curious to know if their is a way in which I can do it - so it would apply to theme changes and such.It would also apply the css to this.

    If you are using the Smart theme then adding a new brochure page will automatically add another text link at the top to it. (when you are on the home brochure page)

    Otherwise look in the Layout Code - Smart Header Area and you will see that you change the navigation there.

