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External Management

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    External Management


    I wonder if anyone else has had this problem and if thay can help.

    I have an external company managing my Google campaign and they also need to implement changes to my web site to optimise it eg. adding lots new landing pages / lots of new links etc.
    I have the local "Master" copy of the DB here on my PC. How can they sucessfully make changes without direct access to my DB? I can't see how they can, unless there is a tool / licencing option I haven't seen.

    Has anyone had this issue? How can I solve it?

    advice welcomed

    Matthew Wildeman
    2XL to 8XL Menswear

    They cannot make changes to your site without changing your database. It is possible to make changes on one PC, export the snapshot and import into Actinic on another PC. They would need a copy of Actinic and your snapshot.

    Be aware that they would also need an in depth knowledge of Actinic to be able to make changes correctly. If they don't already have Actinic software then they are probably not conversant with Actinic.


      I have an external company managing my Google campaign and they also need to implement changes to my web site to optimise it eg. adding lots new landing pages / lots of new links etc.
      You should ask them for a detailled spec of what they propose to do - and how they want to do it before letting them anywhere near your site. There are alot of peeps out there who say "Actinic, no problem!!" and then make a right royal ballsup.

      in theory if they want to create landing pages these do not need to be catalog pages, thus you do not need to give them the DB etc. BUT having said that there are cases where it could be better as catalog pages on the basis that a well crafted site should hold its own and shouldn't need extra pages for SEO.

