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Design snapshot import causing fatal error

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    Design snapshot import causing fatal error

    Am now trying to create a second site in v9 with the same design as my first v9 site, as follows:

    1. Export design snapshot.
    2. License new site, and enter it.
    3. Snapshot - Import design.

    After a little while, this brings up the message:

    Operation: Opening the [DesignObjects] table sorted by [nID]
    The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query
    'DesignObjects'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

    Upon completion of the import, the site contents are lost.

    Please advise.
    Andy Shercliff

    Just use a full snapshot instead and then delete the products/orders if applicable, much more reliable method IMO.


      That would be OK for the initial creation of the website, but not for subsequent updates to the design, which I need to do to keep both websites in step.
      Andy Shercliff


        What you are trying to do is register a single external design with two separate sites which I don't think is possible.


          Andy - could you send me a copy of the Design Snapshot to look at please? I'd like to get the bottom of what is causing the crash.

          Please put it on an email to cdicken [at] actinic [dot] co [dot] uk


            Using full snapshot

            Many thanks for all the advice. I am using a full snapshot for now, as suggested, but it would be nice to be able to use my preferred approach at some future time.
            Andy Shercliff


              You should be able to do this BUT it will not sync siteB when changing siteA ... you will need to still export from siteA > import siteB.

              Design snapshots have been the bane of my life for the past 2 years with v8 ... I now ALWAYS copy the external layout into an unused, nasty theme that will never get used (such as "stripe") and send that back and forward. Despite Actinic claims there are still issues with paths on external designs so bringing it "in house" to replace an existing theme seems to fool it nicely.

              Worth a try to see if it resolves in v9 also.

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Design snapshots have been the bane of my life for the past 2 years with v8
                I agree - they have NEVER worked IMO. I dont even bother trying to use them anymore


                  Layout selectors in 2 year old software that STILL do not import correctly just blow my mind. Snapshot system should have been overhauled in V9 IMO, i hope it's somewhere near the top to be done pretty soon.


                    The concepts behind the v9 partials looks like it should work but have yet to use it in anger on a live site transfer. Breath not being held.

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                      may the force be with you


                        I agree - they have NEVER worked IMO. I dont even bother trying to use them anymore
                        Design Snapshots are actually new in v9. Are you talking about the 'Export Partial Site Design' thing here? It's actually now renamed to 'Export Specific Design Elements' in order to make it clearer that it will never export an entire design - just specific library elements.
                        Layout selectors in 2 year old software that STILL do not import correctly just blow my mind.
                        These do work in v9 and v8.5.2.

                        Anyway - I've got Andy's snapshot now (thanks!) and I'll be doing some checking today.


                          Originally posted by cdicken
                          These do work in v9 and v8.5.2.
                          Can i have a copy of your 8.5.2 then please, cos no matter how hard i try i cannot get fragment selectors to behave.


                            Lee - are you trying with selectors appearing in the 'General' tab of fragments? Because there is a problem here with values not being stored - but layout selector import in general is working.

                            Andy - I've sent you an email. I've tested the snapshot but couldn't reproduce the crash. Let's keep discussing via email as there may be something else we can check.


                              A basic summary of what is not working for me is this:

                              I create 5 or 6 of my own fragment layouts and name these a bit more intuitively to help people out. I update the selector to use my new layouts and remove the ones they replace. I also order the options logically on the selector. I then take a PDS which includes ALL fragment layouts AND the selector (the bold option). When i import that PDS, it brings in the new layouts BUT it does not bring in the updated selector. I then have to readjust the selector to use the new layouts and remove the old ones manually again.

                              I tried it at least 3 or 4 times and checked it as i was sure i was being a numpty, but no it didn't work for some reason. Even more strange is that very similar actions on product layouts works perfectly - this made me investigate as it definitely looked like i was going mad, but i couldn't see anything obvious or different.

                              Having worked largely bug free and very smoothly for a number of months on 8.5.1, it's probably just sods law balancing up the scales as 8.5.2 seems to like taking chunks out of my derriere.

                              I also have problems with new products and best sellers not importing correctly, but that's another story. Apologies for the waffle, i've bored the crap out of myself, let alone anyone else.

