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Spurious warning if importing partial design snapshot via Import Design.

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    Spurious warning if importing partial design snapshot via Import Design.

    If I create a snapshot using Design / Export Specific Design Elements and then try to import it using File / Snapshot / Import Design, it get the following warning:
    The snapshot you've selected is not a design snapshot. However, the import will still work fine. All the design data within the current site will be completely replaced, but the content and orders will be left intact.
    I can ignore this warning and the import proceeds as expected.

    This warning doesn't happen if I use File / Snapshot / Import Site.

    Is this a bug or is Import Site, the proper way to import a partial site design?
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

    Yeah - it is a bug I reckon. I'll get this sorted. Thanks for reporting it.

