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Sales Analysis Report displaying incorrect figures

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    Sales Analysis Report displaying incorrect figures

    On my site that has just been upgraded from 8.52 to 9, amongst other problems the sales analysis reports are now showing incorrect figures. Basically it seems to be adding the total cost of tax to the total of goods ordered and then adding it again.

    Just for example in V8 the report would display as follows:

    Total value of goods ordered:..£9500
    Total cost of shipping:.............£500
    Total cost of tax:..................£1750
    Grand Total:.......................£11750

    Yet in V9 it is as follows
    Total value of goods ordered:.£11250 <- added the total cost of tax to this figure
    Total cost of shipping:.............£500
    Total cost of tax:..................£1750
    Grand Total:........................£13500

    Our product prices still remain exlusive of tax as we decided not to go with the tax inclusive option.

    Now obviously this has thrown our figures somewhat, especially this month where we upgraded the site on the 24th, and have since taken a fair amount of orders since.

    Does anyone know if there is workaround where V9 will produce accurate reports?


    I can't see a problem inside the Acrinic Sales Report file. I've tried the report and can't replicate the problem. Can you create another test order manually and then report on that period instead and see if the results tally.

    The dependancy in the report is just related to the tax mode - if the the tax mode is inclusive then the tax amount is removed from the total order cost.

    TaxInclusiveMode is site wide - if you have changed the tax mode after orders were placed then I guess you may get the wrong results.


      Example of sales report &amp; invoice

      We have marked one invoice as paid today and printed the sales analysis report to show the incorrect figures that are being displayed, the pdfs are attached as an example.

      The invoice displays the following:
      Total product cost £37.42
      Shipping £1.45
      VAT £6.79
      Total £45.66

      Yet the sales report shows conflicting information

      Product by order value £43.96

      Total cost of products £44.21
      Shipping £1.45
      Tax £6.79
      Grand Total £52.45

      This report needs to be corrected so we can actually use it, we did send copies of both our 8.5 & 9 anaylsis report to Actinic support as well as a snapshot of our site after the upgrade from V8.5 but have heard nothing since.

      What it seems to be doing is adding the VAT of the product in the products by order quantity / order Value field.

      Then in the total value of goods field, it adds the VAT for the shipping as well.

      When it comes to the Grand total in the summary it is adding VAT again.
      Attached Files


        Hi Malcolm,

        I've been able to recreate this problem and have put it to our development team. I'll post back as soon as I have something from them.


          Thanks Tracey, that would be most appreciated.


            This same error is affecting our reports too

            Can you give us an indication on how long a fix to this problem will take?

            Common sense is not that common.



              Here is the updated report. Please backup your current one before extracting the attached into the 'Actinic v9' installation folder.
              Attached Files


                This is the kind of thing where an automated broadcast updated from Actinic to all V9 software (ala Mole End) would be very handy
                Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
                Ecommerce Digital Marketing

                SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

                SellerDeck Hosting
                SellerDeck Digital Marketing


                  So, if i'm using Buisness Plus V9.0.2 IFZA, putting this file into the installation folder will correct all the sites?


                    It should - just backup your original report first.


                      Ok, i've just installed this new SalesAnalysis.rpt


                      The Summary, Sales by Country and Sales by Customer are now correct but the Products by Order Quantity and Products by Order Value still show prices inc. VAT whereas in v8 the prices were show ex. VAT on the Sales Analysis.


                        v9 has some new settings for vat so you may need to check how it's setup. I've noticed that some upgrades reset various setting so something may be amiss.


                          I cannot find any setting that may have changed to allow the incorect data to show in the support.

                          Have support any feedback on this?


                            Look in business settings tax - there is now an option about inclusive prices


                              Thanks Mal - all sorted!

