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Creating unique section text in individual sections....

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    Creating unique section text in individual sections....

    Hi Guys

    Been browsing the site for about 10 months now but only just signed up now! Such a good resources, I've learnt so much, thanks for the info....

    Got a question that I just cannot seem to find the answer in the help, AUG or on the forums;

    I know you can add section text in to a section which shows in the top level, but I want to add another field (I think) so this shows in the actual content part when you click into that section, if that makes sense.
    I can't seem to find this anywhere and wonder if anybody else has done this?

    If you do this in the actual code it shows in every section content page which is not what i'm looking for.


    Here is the URL for reference;

    Martin, the section description variable is available to display on the actual product page also, i think there is a set layout to do this already available. If not you can easily add the variable anyway. That will make it the same entry as the level above. If that is not desired, then simply add a fragment onto a page and add what text you want into that. If the fragment shows at the bottom instead of the top, you just need to reverse your layout settings in site options.




      Many thanks for that, something so simple! It usually is...

      I am currently using 2 products wide and so the fragment is in the first one and a product in the second (on the same line), would you know how to move that second product on the next line ?



        Yeah that's easy too, you have column count for the first row and then column count for all others, so just set column count to 1 for top row and 2 for all others.


          thanks Lee

          I think I must be missing something, I know you have column count for sections but I can't find one for products?
          I am still looking through variable names to see if I can find something that will do the trick?


            Gotcha, i presumed you was using an SPP type setup. You need to select your 'product' list layout settings, you sill see an area where the middle rows are defined as using the product column count variable, you will need to go up to the first row settings and add '1' into no of items and colspan it by the product row count variable. It will then stretch across the full width for the first item on each page, you also have the option to do it at the bottom.


              Thanks Lee

              That has helped me so much

              Thanks again


                Pleasure Martin, good luck.

