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Side bars and listings

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    Side bars and listings

    Hi All

    Havent been here for a while, I'm using V

    I want to create setion list in seperate tables in the side bar of a new site I'm working on, I did find the 'Idiots Guide' to spliting product lists by Lee but when I add the code say for section 1 it duplicates section 1 loads of times even though I numbered the other sections differently, not sure if i was missing something???

    Also can anyone pleeeeease tell me where are the product list attributes in the CSS? all I want to do is change the bullet to a graphic and right pad the text a bit more, I'd also like to get rid of the horizontal blue dotted lines and just have an underline on the links?

    Many thanks in advance


    the test url is here:
    Neil Bosley
    The Ink Depot

    Firefox + Firebug addon are the best for tracing styles being used on your site, it will tell you where the style is and what it is called. As for your section lists, sounds like you have not installed either the menu or the variable correctly or maybe even both. Have a good read of the blockif tutorials in the layouts forum, they are very concise and cover/explain the steps involved.

