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Embedded HTML Editors

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    Embedded HTML Editors

    I've been 'experimenting ' with embedding HTML Code into my brochure fragments, and in some cases it works quiet well, other cases poorly, especially if you change anything one it is added. I tried searching on 'embedded HTML' posts but couldn't find anything referencing how best to make it work ? or if there are better solutions with external editors

    The Actinic User Manual doesn't say too much about editing it, just how to create it.

    Can I use an external editor to write my HTML and just paste it into the fragments ?

    If so,any easy editors and what type of embedded html sould I create There seems to be different options available


    Anthony Kudzin

    I think you should be aiming to embed very little and use layouts to give you the look you want. If you start embedding html all over the place, you are defeating the object of actinic. You can have as many fragments as required, put your html skills in that area creating templates/layouts for the best solution. We all embed at times for sure, but the best sites use it minimally as it provides very little 'easy' manageable control.


      Article Writing

      Thanks for the reply,

      However I want to use Actinic more like a CMS site with ECommerce facilities rather then ECommerce application with CMS capability, and I cannot see how editing layouts will help. I want to be able to write articles, as you would in a DTP type environment and display those. I could only see this as viable through embedded HTML text ?

      Anthony Kudzin


        You just type into fragments with plain text, very little need for html at all, actinic does that part for you. If you need to display things in different ways, they you create fragment templates for each purpose and then just type into them with plain text. Sounds like you do not understand fragments, maybe a good idea to read the tutorial on my site.


          Originally posted by anthony_kudzin
          However I want to use Actinic more like a CMS site with ECommerce facilities rather then ECommerce application with CMS capability
          Actinic works both ways. The HTML is held in the layout and you simply add the content into the fragment title / descriptions etc. As Lee says you can create as many layouts you need and simply apply the content nice and simply inside Actinic.

          Embedding HTML should be kept to the absolute minimum as maintaining it becomes an impossible task.

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

