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importing products as sizes from EPOS

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    importing products as sizes from EPOS

    I hope i am missing something very simple to make this work but i am having problems with importing from EPOS to Business V8

    Basically i have products, shoes for example, that are in a range of sizes and therefore have different barcodes in EPOS.

    It is easy to put options in when you have started the product in v8 but when i import the products to V8 from EPOS obviously they are all seperate products, i would like different sizing options under one product instead of them listed as seperate products for size 8, 9, 10, for example, this would effectively mean the options are different products, i assume this is painfully simple and i'm missing something?

    After it is in place i assume the updates from V8 to EPOS and vice versa will still work?

    I hope this makes sense to someone!

    Hi Andy,

    What you will have to do is set your separate products for the sizes to 'hide on website' in Business. Then create a 'shoe' product and add the component, attribute and choices and associate the permutations in the component with the relevant hidden product. This means that your stock control will work for the different sizes between Business and EPOS and as long as you set the 'Prices from associated products' too so will any price updates.


      Do your shoe sizes all share the same bar code or do they have seperate ones? I'm having a similar issue but my products use the same barcode for all the sizes.

