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Missing Images V8 - Again!

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    Missing Images V8 - Again!


    I have read many many threads on this, forgive me if I have missed the solution.

    Imported V7 snap shot into V8. & uploaded site in test mode
    All images ahve always and continue to be held in Site1 folder in subfolders

    Product Images in preview and online site test mode not showing. Some are, some are not & there seems to be no logic to it. Images are represented by empty image holder or simply not there.

    Attempted Solutions with no luck
    Resizing image and reapplying
    Creating new sub folder of site one and transfering copies of images to folder and reapplying
    Renaming images and reapplying link
    Creating new product section and adding image from newly created sub folder of troublesome image

    Solution which worked once but does not want to repeat itself
    Creating Test product within Product group and applying existing troublesome image. This then allowed me to reapply the troublesome existing images to the existing products and showed the images in preview mode.

    I also noticed that rather than reselect the image, If I tried to alter the file name i.e. delete a letter and then type back into the file path, it told me the image did not exist, even though the file path was correct.

    I had resigned myself to the laborious method described above, but it only worked for one set of products.

    Please can anyone point me in the direction of a solution for this within the forum which does not required technical ability? Or provide another solution (apart from putting off the V8 upgrade for another 12 months!)


    Either your product layout is corrupted (revert it to factory standard in design-library) or you need to open up the images and resave them as jpgs. These missing image problems always seem to be solved by one of those measures. Your third option is not to upgrade, start with a clean site, always a good time to update a site's look when you upgrade.


      I have tried opening some of the images in Macromedia Fireworks and saving them as jpegs to the same and different folders, which did not work.

      Your third option is not to upgrade, start with a clean site
      Does this mean open up actinic v8 and start from scratch, re createing all product groups, site structures, imaegs and text etc instead of importing the V7 snapshot?

      That would take quite a long time, am I understanding you correctly?



        Head exploding with missing images!

        Sorry, need to off load.

        I have now spent all morning and and this afternoon meesing around with this and various snapshots, imports and themes, image resizing, naming, trawling through the forum for something I may have missed etc and have even less hair than I started with!

        Would I be correct in assuming that the official Actinic response for this situation would be to Start from scratch with a blank site? Version 11 will be out by the time I get that done inbetween my day job, espaecially as it takes actinic about 10 seconds to apply a selected image to a product.

        Is there an easy way to minimise this workload?

        Everything is fine in the version 7 currently running. Does version 9 have the same image import problems. I would rather spend another 500 quid for a fix than 500 hours duplicating work?


          I would try sending your snapshot to someone and let them see if they have the same problem


            Something for you to try. When Online look at a missing image, right click and select 'properties'.

            - Is the image path and name correct? make sure you check any upper_case/lower_case letters you might have.

            If so, ftp into your site and look to see if the image has been uploaded. If they're there they should show. If not then it implies actinic isn't picking them up.

            They only problems I can think of with Actinic not finding the images are:

            1. At some point actinic moves the site 1 folder into mydocuments for sompatibility with Vista. I'm not sure which versions this applies to but worth checking.

            2. There was an issue with lower case c: for the hard drive versus capital C: Again I don't really remember which version this was in. I'll hunt around a bit on this one.


            Edit: OK, that last one was a design tab problem on 8.0.2. Shouldn't be a problem here.

            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Cunning Marketing - Actinic Upsell tactic!


              All file paths appear to be correct. I have checked naming conventions, and there is no distinguishing traits between working images and non working images.

              I have just downloaded and installed Actinic V9 and imported the v7 snapshot.

              Good news is the image problem has gone!

              The import appeared to be sussesful and all the images are working fine in preview mode (as they do in version 7). Someone, somewhere has fixed something somehow

              Actinic have always been a company who puts customer service at the top of their agenda and understands how to look after their clients in my experience! They know how to run a company and keep valued customers happy, hence, are top of their game in my opinion, best of the bunch
              Here is a thought, do you think Actinic will allow me to purchase V9 at a discounted rate as there appears to be no suitable fix for the problem I am experiencing?

              At the moment It looks like V9 is the only logical choice for the V8 error with the exception of remaining on V7 or spending the next year redoing the site.

              Any suggestions Actinic? Can I import a V9 snap shot back into V8 or would that not be clever?



                If you're not live on V8 then why 8.5.1 rather than 8.5.2 or the new 8.5.3?

                8.5.2 fixes lots of problems including this one which may be relevant:

                Images that were outside of the site folder now always appear correctly when importing a snapshot onto a new machine. AC8-4763

                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                  I am on 8.5.1 as that is the most recent available for download from and still appears to be

                  If there is a newer version, where can I find it?

                  Also, I have never stored images outside Site1, always within site1 in subfolders so I know where everything is so am not confident that it would fix my specific issue. Worth a try though as I have reduced myself to shouting at actinic to reference images and that does not appear to be working either, though my computer Microphone may be playing up.

                  Is version 9 available commercially yet or is it in "test" mode?

                  I think I will attempt to import a V9 snapshot to v8, after all, it can't break anything can it!


                    Originally posted by NickBaxter
                    I am on 8.5.1 as that is the most recent available for download from and still appears to be

                    If there is a newer version, where can I find it?
                    That's not Actinic's main download page, it's for 'previous' versions only, hence the warning given at the top of the page!
                    is the main download page

                    Originally posted by NickBaxter
                    Is version 9 available commercially yet or is it in "test" mode?
                    check the V9 forum for the latest release/download details but yes, its been available for a while with the latest release being 9.0.1


                      Thank you all for your help. I can relax having at least accomplished something today!

                      It appears that the latest patch fixes the issue. Thanks for the link Tracy, I thought the other page was where we were supposed to get the downloads. God knows how I even managed to put a website together eh?

                      Unfortunately now I have seen the sparkly V9 themes, there is a spark in the back of my mind. Should I skip out version 8 and spend the cash on version 9?

                      Any thoughts?


                        On review, I shlould say, the patch fixed 98% of the image problems. I can live with that.


                          Hi Nick, glad it's now working.

                          Should I skip out version 8 and spend the cash on version 9?
                          My view would be yes, go straight to V9. For me the biggest thing is VAT included handling which means the cart and checkout is much clearer for retail customers.

                          V9 will also be the platform on which improvements and additional features are added over the next year or so.


                          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                            Thanks for that Mike,

                            Is there a link which details the difference between versions 8 and 9 anywhere.

                            I just need to justify the £250 spend as I get no cash back as all the online stuff is an ongoing favour for my mums shop, therefore, no recoup on my spending, hosting, time etc.


                              Does this mean you've bought a V8 upgrade already and are looking at an additional upgrade price for V9?

                              Are you using Actinic Catalog or Business?


                              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


