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odd page delay... a worldpay issue

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    odd page delay... a worldpay issue

    Hi Guys,
    [edit] Its because I reference some worldpay logos, and they recently changed the web address to generate them. changing it now to see it it helps! So, if you reference the 'powered by worlpay' or the card logos ousing the Worldpay javascript code, make sure you update to the latest version or 1) you wont see the logos and 2) your pages may take ages to render resulting in lost sales[/edit]

    ...ignore this now!

    if you've got nowt better to do, can you take a look at my site -actinic v8 on Pinbrook servers

    I get an odd delay with IE7 - the page header bar /logo etc renders fine, then we wait for ages till the rest of the page renders AND IE reports its done but with errors.

    Howerver... Firefox renders all the page virtually instantly, but i notice it is still waiting for transfer from the site for ages.

    Safari renders instantly, but i notice the 'completion bar' takes ages to 'complete' even though the page is rendered.

    So it appears IE wont complete the render until its downloaded everything, but I am at a loss to know whats taking so long!

    Take a look if you have the time and inclination, can you see whats causing the problems? Damned if I can!

    after 10 seconds, I'd leave the site, so I guess I'm losing custom.

    Any insight appreciated.

    (incidently, I get the same loaded with errors message on another V8 site, but NOT on I also get the very slow page completion with mainly murder BUT it renders instantly even in IE7)
    Last edited by Andy Warner; 16-Apr-2008, 08:32 PM. Reason: spotted the problem
    Andy Warner - rpgs, boardgames, dice and other geeky stuff D&D and Star Wars Miniatures

    Both running the Cart from Search Page hack

    Also and

    All running V8.5.2 Multisite on a windows 7 quad PC, augmented by Mole End automation, from a single shared database, using actinic specific hosting from Host-IT.

    Create your own graphics and store on your own server and use them instead. If you link externally to things that do not need to be external, your site is at the liberty of the other site(s). If their site is failing but yours is working, then yours looks junk, if yours isn't working, then you are stuffed anyway.


      yes, i'm aware of that. its a good point to make though. I didnt see the problem initially as i have one logo local. i'd forgotten the other logos in the page footer were served from Worldpay - and of course they didnt show as broken items as they were javascript not straight graphics, so I missed them.

      Wasnt until I noticed Firefox showing a 'waiting for server' message pointing to Worldpay. that made me look at the code again.

      Andy Warner - rpgs, boardgames, dice and other geeky stuff D&D and Star Wars Miniatures

      Both running the Cart from Search Page hack

      Also and

      All running V8.5.2 Multisite on a windows 7 quad PC, augmented by Mole End automation, from a single shared database, using actinic specific hosting from Host-IT.

