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V8 Snapshot to V9.01: Missing META Description and Page Views

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    V8 Snapshot to V9.01: Missing META Description and Page Views

    Good afternoon all,

    Thank you to Actinic for the easy and pleasant move from V8 to V9.01. I downloaded yesterday and like the new look of the software very much.

    I seem to be up and running now, but did have a slight glitch after the Import Snapshot stage:

    When I tried to upload the site it highlighted some coding errors on the Catalog Pages:

    "Missing Close Tag of 'Block' markup"

    The suspect Block surrounded the Meta Tags and I could see that there wass no "/block" in place, so manually typed them, which did get rid of the
    coding errors, but...

    On further inspection I noticed that none of my Meta Descriptions had not
    been carried across either and if that wasn't bad enough I couldn't see any Page Previews within V9.01 for any of the Catalog Pages.

    I'm assumed that these things were linked and asked for assistance from Tracey (Budget Bumps) who had helped me with a Block If problem before.

    The solution was/is very straight forward. I simply copied the <head> information from V8 and paste it into V9. Instantaneous success and yet another hurdle overcome.

    So, the reason for the post? Well to help anyone else who's having the same problem and also to highlight the problem to you guys at actinic.

    Tracey, I believe highlighted the problem with V9 last week, but it seems to still be in the latest version.

    Cheers guys,


    Army Gore-tex
    Winter Climbing Mitts
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    hi, yes we have just downloaded the latest version and had exactly the same problem thanks for letting us know the solution, i was starting to tear my hair out!
    Graham & Claire Fain


      I have had a couple of sites loose the basehref from the page which kills the layouts, not sure why it does it but hey ho easily fixed



        I am having similar problems, getting the "Missing Close Tag of 'Block' markup"

        How much of the <Head> information has to be copied. Also, at the start of my v8 site, it shows BaseHref but I don't have this in v9. Instead it has a MetaTags command which my v8 doesn't have.

        Any help would be appreciated as I am really struggling to figure this one out.


          Hi Phil

          What theme is your design based on? If it's something like 'Smart', go into the 'Design | Library', open the 'Web Page Outer Layout' group and open 'Works Best With Smart' (you'll see lots of other layouts there for other themes you can use if you are using a different theme). Open this layout and copy everything from <head> to </head> to the clipboard.

          Now copy and paste this into your live overall layout, replacing everything from <head> to </head>. This should get you up and running again.

