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File Import - Resize Window?

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    File Import - Resize Window?

    Just a thought but it would be nice3 if the file import window could be re-sized or iff it could be made larger by default so i can see what the hell i am mapping fields to without constantly scrolling up and down and sideways to see the field names as all we can currently see is the first letter (not much help at all)

    In the pic below i've mapped a field from my spreadsheet "Thumbnail" but to what?

    Also there is a similar issue with the related products:

    I can't see any reason for this because the little box above which has the two tick options is plenty wide enough so no reason for all that space there and Actinic not using it and therefore making using the related products harder.

    And 1 final one:

    Why is this area not even wide enough for the standard text yet a mile long and empty, surely some nice little buttons (like Version 8) for this would be cleaner and easier?

    This is typical when programmers do the work but never have to use it on a day to day basis ... our back office software is the same with non resizeable windows.

    Amazes me that the left hand "tabs" against products in v9 require a horizontal scroll by default

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks for your comments, I've put them to the development team.

