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Using XP Pro and need to be able to view site live...

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    Using XP Pro and need to be able to view site live...

    Hi, It's basically as it says above! Can anybody tell me how I can configure my PC to that I can see my test site live? I believe this can be done as my operating platform is XP Pro. I am a VERY new user to Actinic (just bought Actinic Catalog V9. My aim is to recreate our current site (created and hosted by Web Design Company) and take control myself. I am fairly proficient in CSS2, have previously used text editors and NetObjects Fusion and know my way round a PC relatively well. Many thanks, in anticipation.
    Mandy. (current live site) Artisan Roaster of World Class Coffees; Tea Blender. (site being designed (slowly!) with Actinic to replace current one).

    Switch to test mode in the web menu or use a separate domain for building/testing.


      The AUG also provides a way of setting up your own local server.. most tend to opt for using a temp area on the internet and publishing there. You can view your pages locally for designing purposes (but the links don't tend to work)

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

