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Synchronization has Failed

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    Synchronization has Failed

    Just finished uploading all sites to V9.1 but had a problem with a couple of sites with Normans Dynamic Images

    He suggested that I copy a file "dpimagesupport.php" to the site folder which were missing

    This appears to solve the problem in preview but now I get the error "Communication with the synchronization server has failed" when I try to upload the ammended site

    Any suggestions welcomed
    Chris Ashdown

    Further to above

    Strange only two sites are coming up with this error

    No errors shown in design mode

    Error message appears after "Checking Search indices" when uploading to server

    Anyone know what this message means apart from what it say's
    Chris Ashdown


      Anyone know what this message means apart from what it say's
      Hi Chris

      The 'Synchronisation Server' is the Windows service that runs on your PC and keeps all the copies of Actinic talking to each other and up to date with the same data. I don't think it will be affected by your PHP change. It's just a coincidence.

      You can check the service is running OK by looking in the PC where you installed Business Plus first. Then go to 'Control Panel > Administrative Tools' and double-click on 'Services'. You should see 'Actinic Synchronisation Server' towards the top of the list.

      You can also go into the 'Business Plus' PC and go to 'Settings | Synchronisation Server'. It will probably have an IP address in there, but if your IP addresses change from time to time, it might be a good idea to untick the 'Use IP address for Notifications' box and enter your computer name in that field (you can get this by going to 'Control Panel > System > Computer Name'.)

      You might be best to re-install the Business Plus User machine then and reconnect it.


        Thanks Chris

        Just checked and actinic sync server running under Admin tools

        Unable to change IP address either with ticked or not

        Also unable to make snapshot

        Running all sites with site folder on ethernet disk location rather than Bus Plus but doubt that makes any difference

        Strange only two out of 7 sites affected

        Will try and re-install V9.1 tonight after close but all three networked machines work ok with other sites and can rad problem site just cannot upload or snapshot from admin computer

        Have sent both site folders to c mcintosh at support to look at but since then have found corruption on British Chefs site and reinstalled from earlier snapshot taken directly after 9.1 install so only B Tabards shows real problem
        Chris Ashdown


          Hi we have the same problem

          works ok when just just processing orders but as soon as we interact with the product file or search for a product via the moto form we get the syncro problem.

          Support is looking into this for us now
          David Mawson
          Phoenix Trading

 - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


            Hi Chris

            The fact that only two out of the seven sites seem to be affected seems to suggest that everything is OK with your network, and your firewall etc.

            I'm assuming if you go into 'Settings | Synchronisation Server' you'll see the same settings in each site (apologies for suggesting to edit the value in the 'Address' field - I had forgotten that field is read only). As long as every site has the same settings, you should theoretically be fine.

            The fact that the site is still having these problems, leads me to think it's a problem I haven't come across before, so it does sound like support need to get involved.


              Hi Chris Update

              Downloaded a re-made V8 snapshot from one of the sites effected

              Loaded OK into V9.1 and uploaded ok to server with Suspended mode

              Reuploaded with ordering allowed and came up with error again

              Server settings
              Max no of machines 10 tried reducing to 4 but no difference
              Check for login 5
              Chris Ashdown



                by any chance are you using long short decriptions on the sites that are effected?

                as support suggested that this may be link to the syncro problem

                We have very long short descriptions sometimes upto 30 characters due to the nature of the goods we sell we need a long description i.e.

                pack size
                David Mawson
                Phoenix Trading

       - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


                  Yes we have some over 30 letter short descriptions but also the same in the sites that work eg "Embroidery Condensed Block Lettering"
                  Chris Ashdown

