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Running in a frame

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    Running in a frame

    Hi All

    We already have a website that we'd like to keep but also need to add ecommerce (Actinic Business I guess as we need discount codes).

    My question is whether it is going to be possible to run Actinic inside a frame on our site - we don't really want to start again with the web design.

    Many thanks for your thoughts


    Although it is probably possible if on the same domain as your shop, it is certainly not recommended and will not yield good results.

    It should be possible for you to replicate the existing base design in Actinic and not have to use frames.




        Andrew, do some investigation, you are about to make a big clanger. Frames have been finished for 5 years, therefore so has your website design. Start afresh, you can use actinic to do all your pages, well worth the time and investment.


          Originally posted by leehack
          Start afresh, you can use actinic to do all your pages, well worth the time and investment.
          Getting your Actinic pages to look like your old site should be quite a simple task. The time (and money if you need to outsource) spent will reap better rewards than taking the short cut via frames and it potentially costing you money in lost revenue (poor SEO, link issues etc)

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Frames are a terrible idea - and running something that will require a lot of customer interaction within them won't be good. Also search engines won't be able to index your site properly.

            Actinic (with the single exception of the Brochure home page) keeps everything within an acatalog directory on your server.

            If you rename the Brochure home page (default index.html) to be something like shop.html then there will be no conflicts with your existing site at all.

            You can also do without the Brochure feature and use Actinic just for product pages.

            A single link to your shop (either /shop.html or, if skipping the Brochure /acatalog/index.html) would be the only change needed on your existing pages.

            After doing that, it's just a matter of tweaking the look of Actinic to be similar to your existing site.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Thanks Guys

              We don't have frames at the moment and I wasn't really mad keen to introduce one and if I can call the catalogue from our existing website I'll go that root. I haven't had chance to look at the customisation available yet but our header and footer would go a long way to maintaining the feel in the ecommerce section.

              Thanks again


