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Fragments loose custom variables when moved

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    Fragments loose custom variables when moved

    I've just noticed that after adding fragments in numerous sections that if i then move the section any fragments within it loose all there custom variable settings which is not very helpfiull when your using a single section per product and have fragments in most sections and need to move them around a lot to keep the listing in price order)

    Is there any reason why fragments custom variables are being lost like this when the sections are moved and more specifically any chance this issue may be addressed in future releases?

    Hi Adrian

    I've been playing with my 9.0.1 and haven't been able to reproduce this yet. I created a new variable called 'Test' and set the value of it within the 'Properties' panels of fragments. I have then move them around the store or brochure pages without losing the values.

    Could you give more details about the type of variables you are seeing this with, what panel they are in and what version of Actinic you are using.


      This is a problem from v8 that seems to have been transferred to v9 rather than fixed. I've reported it before but no one seems in a rush to fix it (even though it's a pretty major bug I would have thought).

      It doesn't appear to affect custom variables in brochure page fragments, just the section pages ones as far as I can tell (so can't the section page ones be made to behave in the same way as the brochure page ones?).

      Chris, if you're not getting the problem, try moving a whole section (containing your fragment with the custom variable) and see what happens. If you get the problem you'll understand how frustrating it would be to have to reapply a load of changes every time you move a product or category page to a different position in the content tree list.
      OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
      Actinic developers since version 3
      01865 361696


        As a workaround you can always just move the fragment(s) separately - i.e.: drag it/them out of the section (product / category whatever) you're going to move entirely and then move the section to wherever you want and finally, drag the fragment(s) back into the section. This isn't ideal but it stops the custom variable settings from being lost so it's better than nothing. Hope that helps, Adrian.
        OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
        Actinic developers since version 3
        01865 361696

