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Shopping cart layout vertically displaced ?

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    Shopping cart layout vertically displaced ?

    A client is seeing a problem that I cant replicate. When he views the basket/checkout pages the shopping cart layout is displaced vertically as per screenshot.

    I have checked on several pcs, different screen sizes, W2000/XP/Vista IE6/7. Firefox and the layout looks ok to me.

    Can anyone see this problem? just click basket to see "problem" page.
    V8.5.2 HMVA .The layouts for cart/checkout pages have not been amended but while checking I have noticed a variable "AdjustmentRows" just above the displaced area so this may be a clue.

    Attached Files

    have you tested on 800 wide or less, as the screen image shows the page width to be too narrow for the res.


      Hi Jo

      Thanks for taking a look.

      The client is using 1024 wide monitor (his screen grab must have been tweeked). I have also checked at 800 wide and it still looks ok so Ill dig a bit more.



        I had this as well, it was overcome by implementing somehow a horizontal scroll bar on the page (, it was done by my designer though so no idea how unfortunately.

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          common problem. Usually due to the checkout layout being too wide and it is then forced down bellow the navigation.


            This is a width issue as actinic hard code widths into the shopping cart. If you do not give things enough room to cater for those widths, then they wrap into the next available space, as there just isn't enough room to fit. This is accentuated by actinic setting a table to have full site width and then placing it within a table with no attributes set. You have 2 options, either adjust the hard coded widths or make your site wider and cater for the larger screens people use nowadays. NB - do not follow the second piece of advice if you sell dolls houses as they're using a different web to the rest of us.

            The horizontal scrollbar is auto implemented by the browser by having a site that is set to be wider than the screen on which it is being seen.


              Originally posted by leehack
              NB - do not follow the second piece of advice if you sell dolls houses as they're using a different web to the rest of us.
              LMFAO - Lee you will be part of the cliquey group if you carry on


                Originally posted by Darren B
                LMFAO - Lee you will be part of the cliquey group if you carry on
                You mean after all this time, i'm still not worthy, sigh at always being the bridesmaid.


                  Originally posted by leehack
                  You mean after all this time, i'm still not worthy, sigh at always being the bridesmaid.
                  aww..but those pink frilly dresses suit you so




                      Thanks for all the comments.

                      I finally managed to replicate the problem using an old 12" screen laptop (found it in the dolls house ) and have hard coded the Shopping Cart/ Checkout table widths to correct the problem.

