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Potential New User

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    Potential New User

    Hi there everyone, I have been reading some of the posts on this site as part of my research in to buying this product.

    I am a little confused as to which of the products would be right for me - Express or Catalog. I have very little experience of setting up a web site and of a lot of the terminology but have noticed that there are quite a few posts regarding downtime in Express and more technical issues when looking at V9.

    I therefore invite you all to give me your thoughts and advice on which of the options you think would be best for me to go for.

    Here is a little about my needs:

    I have multiple products, so need something which does not limit me.
    I would like to show these in sections and subsections.
    I have a paypal account but wondered if it would be beneficial to offer another form of payment to customers.
    I have a domain name and hosting already.
    I have limited cash to spend so am interested in what you all do to get traffic.
    Is this really as easy as they say in all the sales info - I really will be on a steep learning curve although I have some experience selling on eBay - that's about it in terms of experience!

    I genuinely do want to learn as much as I can and would really value your help and experiences.

    If you would rather email me direct then my email address is:

    Than you all so much for your time,
    Kind regards
    Warm regards,
    For Quality Compatible Ink Cartridges at great prices.

    Welcome to the site Rachel.

    By the sounds of it your will soon outgrow Express. Better to go for the full product now and save the heartache of restrictions later on.

    Starting with Actinic is a piece of cake - download the trial version and see. The new v9 has some OK templates to get you started and then populating the store is a simple case of filling in the fields - very simple. Anyone can get a store up and running in next to no time.

    The full product will take 10's of thousands of products but more importantly allows you to completely change the design at a later stage - either yourself, paid for templates or a bespoke design via a developer.

    Getting traffic is a problem for everyone. Actinic is very good from a search engine point of view out of the box so that is a better start than most other software packages. You can then start a linking campaign, SEO tweaks, printed material and then adwords etc. There are plenty of threads on this subject on this forum.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Originally posted by jont
      Actinic is a piece of cake
      mmmmm, cake.

