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New payment option?

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    New payment option?

    Is it possible to set up a new payment option?.

    1. I want to give the option 'Bank Draft by Post' to customers from certain countries

    2. When customers choose this option is it possible to automatically send an email / or popup advising them to whom and where to send the payment to

    I've looked at altering the existing payments but no similar method exists.

    Thanks for the help


    If you are not already using it then the best option would be to use the 'CC Details Sent Separately' method. You can change what it shows on the website by amending the 'Web Site Description' field in 'Business Settings | Payment & Security'. You can then change what shows on the online receipt by going onto the 'Design' tab and selecting 'Receipt' in the 'Select Page Type' drop-down box. Click on the '{Credit Card Number}:' label in the preview pane which should display the 'Receipt Enter Card Number' layout code in the code window. Click the 'Navigate to parent' icon in the toolbar to take you to the 'Receipt Payment Sent Separately Fields' layout (you may need to click the icon twice). You can remove or edit any of the layouts listed between the 'NETQUOTEDEL:PAYMENTSENTSEPARATE' tags (don't remove those though) to suit your new payment method and you could add in the address that you want the banker's draft sending to.


      Thanks Tracey that sorted it out.
      Another very similar question,
      We also sell mock exams via digital downloads which the customer sends back for marking.
      how can I edit the email that gets sent out to customers who purchase a digital download (the one with the link to the download) as I need to put instructions in there where and how to return it to us.

      Many thanks



        Anyone can answer my secound query? thanks


          The easiest way to do this I think is to go to 'Design | Text' and click the 'Go to' button and enter an 'ID' of -1 and a 'Phase' of 2250, this will take you to the prompt: -

          'One or more of the items you have ordered are available for download now. Each item has links to click on to initiate the download. The links are valid for %s hours after placing the order.'

          If you add to or edit this message it will appear in the receipt and on the email.

          The difficulty with this email is that it is generated from a Perl script and would require editing to include a message elsewhere.

