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Cant Complete Offline Order

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    Cant Complete Offline Order

    OK odd one, have and offline order, everything is fine, worked well until i decided to complete the order and it will not move to the completed tab.

    I have checked everything and discovered somehow the % shipped is 166% now i am extremely confused, how can i have shipped more than was on the order. But i guess this is what is cause the order not to complete.

    anyone else had experiences like this, short of editing the order in access im not sure what else to try


    I've had probelms when viewing an order, when I close the box the order status sometimes reverts to 'partial payment recieved' even though i have changed nothing!

    I know its not the same problem, but i thought I'd share!


      Hi Darren

      Could you post a screenshot of your Line Items tab for the faulty order (showing number shipped etc.) it may yield some clues as to what's happening.


        i have the same problem, wont let us complete orders offline that we have done through netbanx.

        tried everything i can think to solve it but it still does it

        david - Suppliers of quality camping and outdoor equipment.


          hi, i have now fixed this issue, you need to go to payment and add offline payment methods through whoever your using or it wont complete offline orders as there is no payment method

 - Suppliers of quality camping and outdoor equipment.


            Hi David,

            I have this problem too. Can you give a bit more info on what you changed. Fir instance, I have Protx (so I can take protx payments offline and enter them using the VSP terminal for CNP payments) but I don't see any options in the payment mentioning offline.

            I have offline ordering ticked in the order processing screen and I have both website and desktop ticked on the payment and security screen against both these payment types. I still can't complete the orders. Nothing in the help file about offline ordering.


            Practical parenting products for babies and toddlers covering safety, development, sun protection, clothing, health, bedroom, nursery, travel, etc.


              Hi Chris

              sorry for the delay, and hope you had a nice holiday, attached are screen shots, the first shows the order lines, the second shows the order details, you will notice that % shipped is 166% and number shipped date is blank

              Attached Files


                Hi Darren

                I would check the 'Totals' tab to check the 'Original' and 'Current' columns add up to the same.

                The issue with it not being marked as complete is that the 'Date Shipped' column has not had an entry put in it. I would unship all the lines - and check the '% items shipped - and then highlight them all and ship them all again and see if that unlocks it.


                  will have another go chris but have been around this one loads of times, maybe i did something wrong, or i just broke it



                    nope does exactly the same Un-ship, %0 shipped %166 no shipped date?



                      OK - you are looking at a database check I'm afraid. Look in the 'Order' table and check the nTotalItemsOrdered value for the order vs the nTotalItemsShipped value. They should both be the same. While you are at it, I would enter a date in the 'Date Order Finished' field of something like '2008/05/16 00:00' and change the 'Status' field to 'F'.

                      That should sort it out.


                        Guessed it would, did not want to do anything in the DB until i had tried any suggestions

                        will mess later

                        thanks Chris


                          hi john,

                          basically you need to go to payment options and enable offline ordering through your protx payment scheme. to do this go to payment options

                          it has a list of options you can tick - website, offline, fallback.

                          tick the offline one

                          this will allow you to enable the payment method on the new order. if you then go to new order it should have method paymend defined by protx. then basically when you complete an order you need to fill in all the details and mae sure you detail an action, this is at the botton of the page by the colour option. that worked for me anyway

                 - Suppliers of quality camping and outdoor equipment.


                            Thanks David. I have it already setup but offline is actually titled Desktop on mine.

                            I don't seem to have a problem with offline paypal payments but I've got one that I can't complete similar to the problem experienced by Darren. For some reason it says -400% items shipped.

                            Chris - do I need to do a DB change for this too?
                            Practical parenting products for babies and toddlers covering safety, development, sun protection, clothing, health, bedroom, nursery, travel, etc.


                              Chris - do I need to do a DB change for this too?
                              That might be the quickest way to fix it - just follow the instructions I gave Darren. Make sure you take a snapshot first though.

