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Actinic Secure Server FAULT

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    Actinic Secure Server FAULT

    We use HSBC secure epayments to process the payments. This morning from about 10.15am the payments stopped. it hangs on :
    and no data gets transfered to HSBC and hence not payments get taken! HSBC report no faults, however after talking to the Actinic Technical Department it seems as though their server which it passes through is experiencing problems. Has any one else heard how they are progressing to resolve the problem?
    Adrian Higgins

    Not sure if its at all related, but we use Actinic Shared SSL and had a customer phone today to say that they got repeated errors when trying to enter their credit card details.

    We've had other order since without problem though.

    Web Design Worcestershire


      We also use Actinic Shared SSL, and are also having problems. After entering credit card details, customers are getting the error:

      "An error occurred while recording your order. Try again or press "Back" to select a different payment method or press "Cancel" and contact us with your order details. The error was: 500 Can't connect to (Bad hostname '')"

      Obviously our website is available, as I've just come from it! Interestingly, I seem to have been successful in using Firefox 2 to place an order, but Internet Explorer is giving the error above. I am currently sitting in a queue waiting to speak to Actinic Tech Support. Considering we pay for this service, shouldn't they send us an email as soon as there is an issue? I also cannot see anything on the Actinic website stating there is an issue.

      This is not a good situation, as we are definitely losing orders. We only found out there was a problem because fortunately some customers have rung us to place their order instead.
      Peter - UK suppliers of pond pumps, filters, liners, and much more


        Finally got through and was told there was a problem with DNS or something similar, but with no estimate of when it will be fixed. They took my details and said they'd contact me when they had more news.

        However, I've been trying regularly, and it may now be fixed again. A few test orders seem to have gone through OK, but I'm going to keep checking, just in case!
        Peter - UK suppliers of pond pumps, filters, liners, and much more


          Just had confirmation by email from Actinic Support that the issue is fixed:

          "I understand you were having difficulty completing orders on your site due to problems with the Shared SSL server. It appears this problem has now been solved, our hosting specialist has updated the name servers on Actinic secure1 and secure2. You should now find normal service will resume. Sorry for any inconvenience."

          Perhaps they could have used this forum themselves to inform us and keep us updated on the problem.

 - UK suppliers of pond pumps, filters, liners, and much more


            Originally posted by @Peter View Post
            Perhaps they could have used this forum themselves to inform us and keep us updated on the problem.
            Behave yourself

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Secure Server Working Again

              It all seems to be working again now. I have received the following email from technical

              understand you were having difficulty completing orders on your site due to problems with the HSBC server. It appears this problem has now been solved, our hosting specialist has updated the name servers on Actinic secure1 and secure2. You should now find normal service will resume

              Sorry for any inconvenience.

              Adrian Higgins


                Actinic were warned about the dangers of doing it this way 6 months ago and added the option of connecting directly to HSBC to the wish list.


                Hopefully they might now think about actually providing it.


                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                  Hi folks

                  Is anyone having this problem again now? it seems that we are on - Hsbc are saying that they are not being passed the correct info from

                  what a nightmare in teh run up to Christmas, if anyone has any ideas or something we could try to get this going i would be very grateful

                  thanks for any help you can give



                    All tickety boo here with HSBC here, too many orders to cope almost.
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