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Errors with Shopping Cart Scripts

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    Errors with Shopping Cart Scripts

    Hi everybody,

    Right, just getting into the closing stages of upgrading our site to v9 and i've hit a problem i've not come across before. Basically, items are going into the shopping cart when they're added to the order but once you get to the cart summary stage, the checkout now button, if clicked says that the cart is empty. My own coded button does take you to the 1st page of the checkout, but after you select country and try to go the next page, the cart is wiped blank again.

    I've changed the site round so that you can order each product from the section level, as you can see - , but i've not changed any of the scripts apart from removing the bounce page. I've tested the site with the original script prior to this change and the tweaked script for the bounce page removal and both have this same error on the site.

    If someone out there could kindly cast their eyes over it as i've been scratching my head all day on it and can't spot the errors, and i've been searching for anyone else who's had a similar problem with no joy.

    Oh, I know the top & bottom links don't work at the moment [how to order, about us, etc], just want to get this part done before I finish off the site.

    All product links should be active however.

    If anyone can help me or point me in the right direction i'd be most grateful

    Simon - fun film stuff for film loving people - wholesalers of postcards, magnets, mugs & more..

    It looks to me like SSL problems.

    I found that checkout went to a different secure url at which point the cart was lost. This is usually because the cookie won't be accessable but in this case it seems to be something else as even dropping privacy levels down to minimum levels doesn't fix it.

    The scripts are running Ok but the cart data isn't being seen. I can only think that somehow you've broken something. What happens if you put the bounce back. Does it work then?


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Hi Mike,

      Thanks for looking at this for me. I've just checked the network settings and the SSL ones in particular. I think there may have been an extra /store/ going into the path from cgi-bin to online store.

      I've just sorted that out and am uploading to see if there's a change.

      With regard to trying it with the bounce page still in, it does exactly the same thing. Tried with a clean copy of the ShoppingCart file from the originals in the v9 folder as well. So don't think its that. Fingers crossed its the switch to the SSL.

      We do use a shared SSL from our hosts (included in our package) We haven't had this problem before with our exisiting sites so unless somethings radically changed in v9 I would be surprised if that was the issue, but saying that, i'm often surprised!

      I'll update once the uploads finished and see if this sorts the problem out.

      Cheers again
      S - fun film stuff for film loving people - wholesalers of postcards, magnets, mugs & more..



        Nope, no joy.. the cart is still not sending the info to the checkout pages.. i tried it with the bounce again just to make sure and its still not working...

        i'm flumoxed! any other pointers or things I could try would be appreciated!!

        S - fun film stuff for film loving people - wholesalers of postcards, magnets, mugs & more..


          Forgive me if I am talking rubbish but...

          Can you use images for the buttons in the cart summary and then use actual buttons in the checkout? Does the script change required to get images working maybe screw up the buttons?

          Located in Edinburgh UK


            Hi David,

            Thanks for having a look for me.. I don't think thats the issue. I've checked it with both standard and graphic buttons... those ones need changing actually (i'll add that to the list of to-do's!)

            I'm wondering whether its because this site has been upgraded from v7 to v9 and there's something that hasn't upgraded properly in the script department, or that the old style templates are calling a redundant script.

            Interestingly i've just tested it on a Vista machine, Im building it on an XP pc, and that pulls up a different error, that ones saying that the cookie has expired.. don't know if thats any more of a clue to whats malfunctioning or not..

   - fun film stuff for film loving people
   - wholesalers of postcards, magnets, mugs & more..


              turn off SSL and retest - then you'll know if its SSL and change of paths.

              if not the other course of action is to reset all checkpages to factory default (in case as you say the upgrade hasn't upgraded these pages properly.


                Thanks Jo,

                Just finished the upload with the SSL off and it works now. So at least i've found the problem now!

                I'll go over the settings again on the SSL part and triple check them.

                Cheers for your help and advice.

       - fun film stuff for film loving people
       - wholesalers of postcards, magnets, mugs & more..

