I coded a website once, used a text editor and css, and can remember that virtually everything in the stylesheet appeared twice. The first section was preceded by some code, something like @ media screen and the second with something like @ media print. It basically told the webpage to display everything, side and top menus included, but only print the actual page content, using the entire width of the A4 paper. Can anybody tell me how to reproduce this in v9 please? Thanks.
I coded a website once, used a text editor and css, and can remember that virtually everything in the stylesheet appeared twice. The first section was preceded by some code, something like @ media screen and the second with something like @ media print. It basically told the webpage to display everything, side and top menus included, but only print the actual page content, using the entire width of the A4 paper. Can anybody tell me how to reproduce this in v9 please? Thanks.