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also bought remove help

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    also bought remove help

    hi, is it possible to remove the customer also bought list from the checkout, i have tried setting the value to '0' in marketing/also bought/ checkout list
    but it does not allow a number below 1

    Treasure Island Sweets

    Wrap the also bought checkout layouts in a pagetype check within a block if, which assesses whether on checkout page 0, 1 etc. This needs to be a standard option really as I regularly have to do this as it makes the checkout look a right mess.


      hi, sorry to be a pain, but can u explain it step by step,
      Treasure Island Sweets


        If you do not understand blockifs then best thing to do is read up on them in the actinic help and also have a good read of Gabe's tutorials - they will get you to understand the concept and how powerful these things can be, it's pointless me explaining what has already been explained. Once you understand them, you will see that whatever you put inside them, runs as a type of conditional statement. So for example where you don't want things to show on checkout pages 0,1,2 but you do you want them to show in the shopping cart, you can set this within a blockif.

        You need to understand that in all 4 cart/checkout pages the same layout is used and included. Therefore Actinic has to be told when to show it and when not to, i.e. if cart then show, if checkout pages then don't etc. You can set conditions to run against the pagetype variable where you can use it to check on which page you are (page names are those as you see in the drop down box on the design tab). So you wrap the "also boughts in cart" layout in a blockif, with the blockif checking to see if the page is NOT checkout 0, 1 or 2. It will then show on just the cart page as that is the only page (of the 4 possibles) not mentioned in the condition.


          Originally posted by leehack View Post
          If you do not understand blockifs
          ... you can easily remove the also bought in just the cart as it is introduced via a fixed layout and will not affect the product level listing, no need for blockifs.

          Switch to the design tab and select the "shopping cart" from the page type drop down. Click on the also bought list and navigate to the parent layout "view cart page shopping cart grid" and remove the layout "Also Bought Items in Shopping Cart" .. you can either <!-- comment --> it out or delete it.

          The checkout area actually uses 2 grids so you will also need to remove the layout from "Checkout Shopping Cart Grid"

          I would still read up on blockifs as they are very powerful.

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            If you want it on the shopping cart but not checkout pages, i don't think that will work Jont as it is a standard and the same layout for all 4 cart/checkout pages. It is just the checkout pages to remove it from, not the cart also (usually). The issue is that it cascades down all checkout pages, when in reality most only want it on the cart page. It's something actinic need to offer as standard IMO.


              Oh OK - not that clear from the OP.

              If you want it just on the "Shopping Cart" page only remove the layout from "Checkout Shopping Cart Grid"... but that will remove from the add to cart confirmation page (depending on which method of add to cart you have set up)

              Originally posted by leehack
              It's something actinic need to offer as standard IMO
              .. this is a deeply entrenched issue across the board. Whilst a lot of Actinic can be changed there is still too much that is inherited and changing once changes all.. particularly the cart area that is exceedingly complex to hack and not kill.

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Originally posted by jont View Post
                .. this is a deeply entrenched issue across the board. Whilst a lot of Actinic can be changed there is still too much that is inherited and changing once changes all.. particularly the cart area that is exceedingly complex to hack and not kill.
                Totally agree, but I guess having the ability to tailor things like this is always going to be on a to-do list and never quite got round to. In the marketing menu where you switch it on, having a tick box for each checkout page to decide whether it shows or not would make it so easy.

                The first thing you try when you want this is to have 0 as the number in the cart, but it then fires an error message saying it cannot be a lower number than on the products. It just lacks a bit of control, thought and functionality, lets keep our fingers crossed for a new checkout process, far leaner, cleaner and easier to add to in the next version. It's time for all of the limiting crap to be got rid of, otherwise we will be left behind IMO.


                  many thanks for both your help, have opted to comment out the bought list for now, until i have chance to read up on blocks.
                  Have achieved the desired affect for now.
                  I would agree that an on/off switch would be nice, this feature is not in my current v7 site and as i am upgrading to v9 there's a lot of new features to get a grip with, plus the whole code change.
                  Kind Regards
                  Treasure Island Sweets


                    an on/off switch would be nice,
                    I've added this to the wish-list.

