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.php file calling!?

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    .php file calling!?

    Hi, I’ve got a problem here but not sure about the best way of solving it, but I’ll try and explain it as best as possible.

    I use one main layout for my site ( act_primary. and it’s used throughout the site, but for instance the header navigations: faq, links, feedback contact. When viewed seem to be calling some different type of layout.

    i.e. without NorCascade and just a single image header, basically an old layout form which was used back in v7.

    Is there a way to these pages to display the correct layout (act_primary) so that if my primary changes, they all will?

    Any advice appreciated
    Cheers FrAz

    is the page your looking for called the brochure page?


      No to my knowledge, we don't use the brochure page, our site goes straight to catalog. that help?
      Cheers FrAz


        information on templating can be found in the user manual, i suggest you have a quick peek, to see how they work, before we get into how to change them.


          By that do you mean AUG:

          How to Add Additional Files to the Installer?
          Cheers FrAz


            _please_ read the help files and the getting started parts of Actinic.

            Its apparent to me that you did not design this site.

            Web design is complex, please learn html and try to understand the template system of Actinic.

            If possible, find the web designer that originally created this site and ask them.


              Don't worry, sorted the problem myself
              Cheers FrAz

