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Random missing words jumping out of Breadcrumb trail!!

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    Random missing words jumping out of Breadcrumb trail!!

    The site is set so that the original products are listed under product catorgory then subsection of brand

    So for instance a product might be listed under
    Online Catalogue > Binoculars > RSPB > Compact
    Thats awhat I expect the trail to be.

    the same product is also listed as a duplicate by brand
    Online Catalogue > RSPB > Compact
    Thats what I'd expect for that trail

    The problem I am getting that if you navigate using the top method (by product) when you click on the product level on some products it jumps to the trail from the other method (by brand) and dumps the binocular link from the trail.

    Any ideas?? I'm just puzzled why it should do this for some and not others?

    Site is and yes I know it's a mess.

    To demonstate the problem if you navigate binoculars > leica > Ultravid BR
    the binoculars should jump off the trail when product detail is clicked.

    Any ideas would be appricated.


    it's probably defaulting to whichever trail is the main product, regardless of whether you initially arrived at a duplicate in a different section of the site??


      Well I would have said that the main trail would be to the original product rather than the duplicate? or am I getting the wrong end of the stick. As it is, some of the products are defaulting to the trail following the duplicate product. All of the products are arranged in the same structure which is why I'm a little confused. Everything is fine in design view but misses the main section link (when it should be shown) when live.


        The trail should be to the actual section you are in regardless of whether it is a duplicate or not.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Well thats what I was thinking so something is up


            I've been looking at the 'AG 60 telescope' product and can see that when going through 'RSPB | AG 60' or 'Telescopes | RSPB | AG 60' they both point to the same page which is why the breadcrumb trail shows the same on both pages. I think the question is how are your links being created - are your 'More Info' links going to extended info pages?


              Hi Tracey
              Yep the more info is linking to the extended info pages. One thing I have done is deleted the brand section for Leica and RSPB then reuploaded. Now when you click on any of the product range from those brands is shows the trail to the original product (its shows the product type). The rest of the products still miss the product type out of the trail when navigating by product as opposed to brand.

              I have been ocupied with other jobs so haven't been able to give it my full attention and sure its a silly mistake but its annoying the hell out of me.

              Do say if I'm not explaining myself very well as its a tricky one to discribe with out getting to wordy.



                What code do you have on your extended info page layout for your breadcrumb trail?

                I've tried it with:

                <actinic:block if="%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22SectionLevel%22%20%2f%3e%20%3e%200%29%20AND%20%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsSearchInterfaceUsed%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20False%29" >
                <h1><actinic:variable name="SectionName" /></h1>
                <div class="solid_line_blue"><img src="theme_shim.gif" height="1" width="1" alt=" " /></div>
                <actinic:block if="%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22SectionLevel%22%20%2f%3e%20%3e%201%29%20OR%20%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsHotLinkListOmitted%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20FALSE%29">
                <actinic:variable name="ParentSectionListTop" />
                which seems to work correctly.


                  Thanks for your time with this Tracey
                  I replaced the code with yours and still no joy. Its working fine on preview but not once uploaded. Its still reverting to the duplicate product trail over the original one which ever way I navigate to a product.

                  Is there any different code that I need on the link to the extended page to make it open the original product rather than the duplicate?


                    Are they duplicates that are using original product trails that are causing the problem.
                    I do recall someone else mentioning this in the past, in V8, (I think it was Alistair) but it's not something I have a problem with on my site.
                    I'll see if I can find the other thread (although it was quite a while ago)
                    Last edited by TraceyHand; 30-May-2008, 09:25 AM. Reason: name typo...I hate that!


                      ok..I found the original thread I'd remembered but it doesn't offer any sort of solution.
                      It does show that this isn't a unique problem though
                      Thread is here, if you're interested
                      It's mentioned about halfway through the topic.
                      I'm quite impressed that I remembered that from way back in August actually! LOL


                        Originally posted by TraceyHand View Post
                        ok..I found the original thread I'd remembered but it doesn't offer any sort of solution.
                        It does show that this isn't a unique problem though
                        Thread is here, if you're interested
                        It's mentioned about halfway through the topic.
                        I'm quite impressed that I remembered that from way back in August actually! LOL

                        Ok thanks for this, I notice that your duplicate products have unique page names. All that detail is locked in my duplicate product info so any ideas how you did that?

                        If its and issue then will probably just upload the site then delete the sections which contain the duplicates, which seems to make a difference.


                          Sorry, it was working for me because I was only previewing it. Online I get the same. It's because the page name is the same so it it using the last one that's generated. The only workaround is to go to 'Settings | Duplicates Field Configuration' and check the 'Page Name (Extended Information)' box so that you can give your duplicate extended info page a different name. However, this also causes current duplicates to blank out other fields such as the 'text' and 'image' fields. Creating new duplicates retains the information but allows you to change them and also looks like it gives the duplicates a different page name anyway.


                            Yeh..what Tracey said LOL
                            My duplicate extended info pagenames have always been different, presumably because I've always had the box checked in the duplicate set up.
                            With this box checked, it automatically gives any duplicates a unique path..which means they retain the correct breadcrumb trail, I suppose.

                            It might be an issue with updating current pages, as Tracey mentions, but it solves the problem in the future


                              excellent, thank you to both of you.

                              Deleted the duplicates and unticked the box and copied the products again. Tried it with the RSPB brand and all seems to be working as expected so your my heroes

