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Best Sellers | New Products !?

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    Best Sellers | New Products !?


    I recently started looking into having the new products and best sellers size bar function within our site. i've generated the products and have inserted the variables into the layout.

    Both variables are using the code:

    HTML Code:
    <!-- <actinic:variable name="ListIndex" />. --> <a href="<actinic:variable name="SearchCGIURL" />?PRODREF=<actinic:variable Name="ProductID" />&amp;NOLOGIN=1<actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsHostMode%22%20%2f%3e">&amp;SHOP=<actinic:variable name="ShopID" /></actinic:block>"><actinic:variable formatting="font(Color|b8b01b)" encoding="actinic" name="ProductName" /></a>
    <!-- <actinic:variable name="ProductImageLayout" /> -->
    <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsProductReferenceVisible%22%20%2f%3e" >
      <!-- (Ref: <actinic:variable name="ProductReference" />)-->
    <actinic:variable name="PriceListRetail" />
    The 'product image layout' is commentted out as i am not wanting the full product picture as they are to large, can i use my section link image instead? ie. my product thumb picture, before you actually go into the product?

    Also i would only like the 'New Product' so appear on the catalog homepage and not throughout the site, is this possible.

    I've attatched a picture to show you what i'm seeing in Actinic.

    any help appreicated.
    Attached Files
    Cheers FrAz

    once you have inserted the variable there it can be configured in the options settings eg show on homepage or side bar etc. The aug has details about using. Other images and auto resizing product images and cutdown text.


      I've managed to chop n change the best sellers to get it to look like i want, ie 3 columns, but i can't seem to get the eveny spaced like my section links!?

      Also, i'm using the mini best sellers, so i can use the thumb nail picture instead of the main product image.

      I'm only wanting the best sellers to appear in my product and nowhere else on the site. I've found the best seller list selector and changed it's 'place of setting' , but it still appear thoughout the whole site. Any clues!?
      Attached Files
      Cheers FrAz


        so i can use the thumb nail picture instead of the main product image
        Yes - just change the product image variable for the thumbnail variable. There are loads of threads covering this - have a trawl of the forum as well.


          so i think you misread my question i have got the best sellers variable to diplay the thumbnail image, that is not the problem.

          What i would like to sort out is where the bestsellers appear, i 'm wanting them to only appear in my product not my sections, or anywhere else for that matter, i found the variable 'bestselleritem' within that is 'place of setting', atm it is set to site, which i'm presuming appears in the whole site, but changing this to products made no difference!? am i changing the wrong variable!?
          Cheers FrAz


            if you only want bestsellers to appear on product pages `then you need to be editing the product layout to add them in, and editing the section layout to remove them


              i 'm wanting them to only appear in my product not my sections,
              Sounds like you need to create separate layouts - covered before on the forum


                However you do this Fraz, it is going to involve some technical ability, either with multiple layouts or conditions wrapped around the layout or maybe even an automatic 'there are products' on this page type scenario. Relating that kind of info although relatively simple would take some time and i think probably outside of your ability at the moment to manage. Try and get a grip on blockifs, Gabes tutorials will help you tenfold, using them is the key, if you can get them cracked it will open up many doors for you and many you will not need opening for you. Keep things simple while you are getting to grips with it, otherwise its a car crash waiting to happen.


                  The code posted by Norman, here might be of help:

                  Or create a true/false customvariable which you set at section level.

                  Wrap "best sellers list" code in block if customvariable == true. Pages set to true would show, false would not.
                  Boxhedge New Media Design
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                    ok i'll look into the blockif tutorials and see what new things that has to offer. However i do use different layouts with sections and products.

                    when i first generated the best sellers nothing appeared, so i inserted the variable into my act_primary (which is my overall layout for our site). Thats why it must have been appearing on every page, if i was to add the variable into the 'bare product list' would that restrict the variable to just my products?
                    Cheers FrAz


                      Is that different 'overall layouts' or internal ones Fraz as this is probably dependent on outer layouts, if you don't manage the blockif route, just means you have multiple layouts to manage though. Best sellers are traditionally 'sitewide' not product wide, so adding it into there would be the wrong place IMO and a mistake.

                      Why not make your life easy and just use related products and rename the title to best sellers?


                        Is the related products variable setup just for products?
                        Cheers FrAz


                          You can do this quite simply by adding the best sellers layout list into the bottom of your product layout eg "section page with section name at top"

                          under the we can also recommend.....

                          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                            Oh - my solution added it to the middle of the page not the outer layout. If you need this a simple blockif with a test to see if page type is a product page will work.. or a user defined variable if you need more control.

                            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                              Take an hour out Fraz and read the blockif tutorials, they will really help you i promise, also check some of those already in your site, understanding these is the single most important part of V8 IMO, they open up so many doors.

