It's tricky with crystal reports actually, I found that adding this in any kind of a total variable caused crystal to crash horribly. Also you can't rely on the shipping opaque data to hold only the weight.
This is messy with CR8.5 and as Jan says CR has a mind of it's own sometimes.
The safest solution could be to copy your weight data into the Product Report Description field - easy done in Access or with a data import into Actinic. You can then place that field where you want in the report.
Before doing anything backup your database and continue at your own risk.
A different solution would be to probably split the memo field with a view in Access to contain just the weight.
Or another way (if you are not using many shipping selections on the product) could be to change the memo field in Access from memo to text length 254. Then in CR reset the database location to reload the data field types. You can then manipulate the field as text to extract the weight for the report. Not for the faint hearted and certainly might not work in all circumstances.
Or adding the product weight as a numeric UDP (using a left outer join when you add it to the report or else products might disapear when you delete them from the catalog or it you haven't set up the weight).
In theory that excel thing should work but a table in access with the same would be better, better than the UPD suggestion as well because it can be left in there if the product is deleted, you'd have to be careful to update it manually if you change product references.