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Irritating bug number 1

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    Irritating bug number 1

    See attached image - now i was quite impressed that actinic took all the **** out of the style sheet and allow us to add back in the code required for each theme.


    I'm using a theme derived from the wizard so i shouldn't be using any other theme css but when i right click on a style sheet defination to find it in the stylesheet it pops up and finds it is the premier theme.
    Attached Files

    Don't the wizard layouts simply take the bits from the stylesheets that are closest to what you are creating via the wizard? That would make sense rather than being a bug I should think. It is probably more down to the iffy class naming conventions.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      I see 'br clear=all'. Who invented this code, it's not legitimate code yet it appears everywhere?


        as jont says the wizard seems to work with bits from other themes so there will be a mix of stuff in there. While it is really good for DIY builders I would not start a custom design with it if you wanted to keep the CSS etc clean.


          the bit of css it finds belongs to another theme, there is another bit of css which is the correct bit which the locate in stylesheet doesnot locate

          thatswhy it is irritating - it would be good to have an option that says continue finding


            V8 does the same Croccy, it looks down the list and finds the first instance of the name, rather than what is necessarily the style you want to go to. If h1.product was ahead of h2.product in the stylesheet, yet you did a find feature on <h2 class="product">, you would be incorrectly taken to the H1 class in the stylesheet.


              Originally posted by leehack View Post
              I see 'br clear=all'. Who invented this code, it's not legitimate code yet it appears everywhere?
              so it does, i found this

              note the date


                rubbish isn't it? why try to seduce people with good features that don't work?
                its worse than not having it at all.


                  I quite like the design wizard. For mr average who just wants to build a site easily it gives them answers to many questions that have been posted here for years eg 100% width and changing the navigation bits. Yes the code can be picked appart by us geeks but I think it does the job well enough and gets away from the theme look of actinic. I suspect that it will be devolped further and perhaps the theme part of actinic will be less important.


                    Me too, i think the deisgn wizard is excellent.

                    i used it yesterday for the first time, i was abit disapointed that it creates loads of unnecessary code, ie it puts the code for the cart summary on the page 3 times then wraps it in blockifs - thus for the novice it can be hard to locate the correct code if you want to change the way it looks. However - if like me you mess it up, you've got easy access to copy paste replacement code

                    how ever one thing missing from the wizard is the ability to not add brochure menu, the only option is left/right. So you have to add it in then take it out

