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Upgrading to version 8 but lost version 7 back-up and import!

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    Upgrading to version 8 but lost version 7 back-up and import!

    Hi, hoping someone can help, unfortunatly the help line is temporarily unavailable!! I have a Catalog on version 7 waiting to be upgraded to version 8 and onwards!! Alas, my base unit was re-built over the weekend and i now have No versions of actinic at all on my PC. I have downloaded version 8 but when i try to import (snapshot), it is asking for the file, which I know i used to have but has now disappeared along with everything I held from version 7! Does anyone know how I can get round this?

    If you can get hold of no files at all (specifically a snapshot), then you are stuffed. The only option you have is to copy paste information off your website into a new site that you will have to build from scratch. You should be able to download the images off the server. Snapshot tutorial on my site, i suggest you have a good read as it will stop this happening again.


      hopefully the person who rebuilt your base unit took a data backup so you can get yoursnapshot from them, or maybe they restored the data to another location on the pc. Do a search for files on your pc - look for *.acd

      Otherwise do you have backups on another medium ie on CD, DVD flash drive, external HD etc - thus you can point your snapshot import at thisinstead

      If you really have no backup your only way to rebuild is to copy and paste product info from the live website.

      Whilst you are rebuilding - have a think about taking snapshots and storing them away from your pc


        Have managed to find a snapshot back-up file but...

        It is a few months old and does not have everything on it. Now I have version 8 running, how do I create a new snapshot of my current website so that I can import an up to date file? Any help would be GREAT. cheers.


          you need to recover your v7.

          You can only do this from data from your pc, so unless you have a snapshot or a copy of site1 you will have to embark on a start from new situation as previously advised.

          Surely the person who rebuilt your pc took a data backup?


            Unless the hard drive failed most builders will copy your data to a temp location on the new hard drive - typically a new partition eg D:

            Well worth looking at the hard drive using windows explorer and have a delve around to see if you recognise any of the old data.

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