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Shipping Charge - Arrghhhh

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    Shipping Charge - Arrghhhh

    Going a bit mental with this and need to put Actinic down for a while.

    Spent 3 hours trying to find why I cannot show "simple shipping charge" on the "Checkout Page 2".

    I have set shipping to simple and provided the amount in Settings>>Business Settings>>Shipping.

    I have the following code in the Shipping Charge Row but nothing shows up.

    <Actinic:REMOVE TAG="ShippingRow">
       <td align="right" colspan="<Actinic:Variable Name="PriceColSpan"/>"><b><Actinic:Variable Name="ShippingCaption"/></b></td>
       <td align="right" class="cart"><Actinic:Variable Name="Shipping"/></td>
    If I try to add just the shipping variable to the page to check it, it just displays : NETQUOTEVAR:SHIPPING ??

    Someone please help before I go totally bonkers.

    My advice is not to play with checkout unless you know exactly what you are doing as its very easy to break. Revert the layouts back to normal and from what you are saying Actinic will show the shipping as required.



      As you are using simple for shipping, I take it that the charge is fixed and not variable?

      If so, why not hardcode it in??
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        Originally posted by los_design View Post

        As you are using simple for shipping, I take it that the charge is fixed and not variable?

        If so, why not hardcode it in??
        I'm not sure I agree with that idea

        Surely if it's broken, it'd be better to fix it properly than to 'bodge' it?


          Originally posted by TraceyHand View Post
          I'm not sure I agree with that idea

          Surely if it's broken, it'd be better to fix it properly than to 'bodge' it?
          It is not a bodge, it is a solution befitting the guys technical ability.

          Hardcoding into certain areas can also carry many benefits Trace.
          Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
          Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


            Originally posted by los_design View Post
            Hardcoding into certain areas can also carry many benefits Trace.
            Thank you for that lesson in web design. I feel truly enlightened now


              Originally posted by TraceyHand View Post
              Thank you for that lesson in web design. I feel truly enlightened now
              Not meaning to be patronising Tracey so aplogises if it sounded like that.

              To elaborate on my OP

              1 If the requirement is cosmetic only then hardcoding would be a quick and easy fix

              2 If the requirement is to be dynamic then the appropriate variable would have to be implemented and as Malcolm pointed out, if you are unsure of what you are doing in the checkout then leave well alone...

              Regards and best wishes etc
              Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
              Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                I followed RuralWebs advice but took it to the extreme and rebuilt the catalog from scratch as I have learnt a lot as I have gone along and felt I could have done a few things better.

                I do not want to hard code the shipping cost and have worked out why it is not showing. Basically I do not want checkout page 0 so I have changed the shipping options.

                Now my question, but from a better informed perspective:

                Why can I see the variable <actinic:variable name="ShippingValue" /> in "Order 01 Bulk Area" and when I place it within the "Checkout Shopping Cart Grid" it does not show up? (When using simple shipping)

                Thanks in advance.


                  Why can I see the variable <actinic:variable name="ShippingValue" /> in "Order 01 Bulk Area" and when I place it within the "Checkout Shopping Cart Grid" it does not show up? (When using simple shipping)
                  Not every variable will work on every layout. In the 'Checkout Shopping Cart Grid' layout you should have a '<actinic:variable name="CartTableRow" value="Shipping Charge Row" />' layout variable which will bring in the 'Shipping Charge Row' layout that has all the correct variables in it (ie, <Actinic:Variable Name="Shipping"/>)

