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Cookie Problem with ShoppingCartSummary Variable.

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    Cookie Problem with ShoppingCartSummary Variable.

    I've intergrated the ShoppingCartSummary variable into the left navigation of my site

    It works really well on everypage except a few, and as far as im aware theres no reason for it to happen.

    Basically if you add something to the cart it displays as normal, eg "Items: 1 Value: £10" and it works throughout the site untill you click on the Testimonials, Deliveries and Security links in the top horizontal navigation bar. If you could take a look you'll see it changes to "Items: Value:" with no figures. When you navigate back to another "working" page the figures return

    I figured its something to do with cookies, but the outerlayout is the same for everypage so its strange for it to work on most and not these three....

    Any Ideas, help appreciated.

    Sam Johnston

    Not using the WWW version of your domain name on everything is the normal cause of this.


      That seems like the reason ill give it a whirl, cheers.


        Nope that had no effect, the Find Us page link is a href="Find_Us.html" /a and it works fine. The three pages mentioned above all have relative links too.


          Looks exclusive to brochure pages, check very carefully the <head> area of your product template against your brochure template. I'd expect to see a difference or for some reason your brochure pages have not updated, so do a dummy change on their content and upload or do a web refresh. Too coincidental not to be linked to brochure page template IMO.


            Yep your head area is different, one of your meta tags looks trashed.

