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Corrupt DB in V9 after moving files

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    Corrupt DB in V9 after moving files


    After several weeks of successful work on my V9 software I have created a problem. Initially I noticed that after modifying some image files the changes were not showing in the pages. I then noticed that I had two Site 1 folders, 1 in program files and 1 in my documents. I know this is not entirely uncommon and I have read the helpful post by cdicken.

    When i wanted to add an image actinic was by default looking at the My Documents version although i believed that the programs File was the version all other files back up etc were stored.

    However, I then went and did something rather stupid.....I copied all contents of Site1 in the My programs folder to the site 1 in My Documents folder, a big regret!! I "thought" it would make life easier having all files in one location and working from just one site1 folder

    Actinic now fails to open and I am presented with a message:

    Actinic failed to open the database DSN=ActinicCatalog9.
    The database may be corrupt or the version may be newer than expected.
    This prevents Actinic working.

    The error was:

    Cannot open database '(unknown)'. It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.
    Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed

    Please refer to the troubleshooting section in the MU Installation and User guide for possible solutions.

    Is there any help anyone could offer or is it best I go to Actinic?

    I have done daily snap shots but dont know how to simply get the applicaation open and running again.



    Try opening your last working snapshot acd file with Winzip. Then extract the database and copy it into the Site1 folder and try opening Actinic again.

    If that doesn't work then backup everything and reinstall Actinic and import your latest snapshot.


      Open the last (most recent) snapshot with winzip and then copy the contents (all files) and paste it into the site1 folder in My Documents, that should get you back to where you were.

      With v8 and v9 Actinic installs the program in the 'C:' drive but the sites folder is installed within an 'Actinic v9' or v8 folder within 'My Documents', this is to make life easier for people on vista where programs are not allowed to run within the 'Program Files' area.

      Bruce King, Mole End Software Support
      Integrated label paper for Actinic A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels.
      One Stop Automation Automate Actinic. Mole End Automation works while you play.
      Mole End Product Mash for Actinic A suite of marketing feeds for your Actinic Store

      Actinic Upgrade and Design Service


        Duncan ... you beat me to it .. LOL
        Bruce King, Mole End Software Support
        Integrated label paper for Actinic A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels.
        One Stop Automation Automate Actinic. Mole End Automation works while you play.
        Mole End Product Mash for Actinic A suite of marketing feeds for your Actinic Store

        Actinic Upgrade and Design Service


          Thanks Duncan/Bruce

          Have tried the winzip method but made no change. I think I'll go for a re-install of the software. Before I do so could I please check something...

          Do I firstly uninstall my existing V9, then download and re-install V9 again? Also, do I need to back up/copy any files first or will the acd file take care of everything?




            Always copy your complete Site folder(s) (including subfolders) and also make sure you keep your snapshots safe.
            Then uninstall Actinic, delete the Site folder(s) and reinstall Actinic (the same version) and then import your latest snapshot again.


              Hi Duncan

              Have done exactly as you suggested and re-installed V9 (after making a copy of all folders in a seperate folder). Now, when I try and open the application I get the following message:

              Unable to locate the database for the selected site. The site will remain unchanged.

              Any clues?


                I missed a bit that I thought you may not have to do.

                After uninstalling Actinic (you have made copies of your Site folders I hope!!) then delete the Actinic folders in My Documents and C:\Program Files. Then continue to reinstall Actinic again as above.


                  Yep, did all that. I made 2 new folders, each with a copy of the actinic folders. Then deleted them. Reinstalling had rebuilt the folders but it just wont open.

                  Now, in My Documents > Actinic V9 I have a new sub folder (sites) and in Program files > Actinic V9 I have various sub folderss but no sites folder



                    BTW. I still have a copy of what was deleted, inc the acd files


                      Sounds like yo uhave some setting still in the registry. I seem to recall hearing of this before - try another forum search and see if you can dig something else up. I'm afraid my grey cells are rusty today.


                        Duncan, you are a star!

                        Went for a second uninstall/reinstall and it worked.

                        Thanks very much for all your help


