Ok i've got 2 outerlayouts, one is for products pages only (SPP) the other is for the rest - so brochure and sections etc share.
My problem is using
on the brochure index the Terms and Conditions link translates correctly ie to acatalog/info.html ie mydomain/acatalog/info.html
but my anchored link to #Delivery drops the acatalog ie mydomain/info.html#Delivery
both links work correctly on the product page
My problem is using
<p class="text_footer"><a href="<actinic:variable name="InfoURL" />" class="link_footer"><actinic:variable name="InfoText" /></a> | <a href=<actinic:variable name="InfoURL" />#Delivery class="link_footer">Delivery</a></p>
but my anchored link to #Delivery drops the acatalog ie mydomain/info.html#Delivery
both links work correctly on the product page