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Table 'tempOrphanDuplicateQuery' already exists.

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    Table 'tempOrphanDuplicateQuery' already exists.

    When opening Actinic V8.5.2 Business Multiuser, receiving the following message. We have tried compacting database but this has not resolved the problem. Any ideas?

    There was a problem with the database

    Operation: Executing the query ' SELECT Product.*, [Catalog section].[Section text] INTO tempOrphanDuplicateQuery FROM (Product LEFT JOIN Product AS ProductParent ON Product.sOriginalProdRef = ProductParent.[Product Reference]) LEFT JOIN [Catalog section] ON Product.nParentSectionID = [Catalog section].nSectionID WHERE (((ProductParent.[Product Reference]) Is Null) AND ((Product.nProductType)= 1));'

    Database name: E:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\ActinicCatalog

    Table 'tempOrphanDuplicateQuery' already exists.

    Action: Contact your Actinic reseller or Actinic Support as appropriate

    I've seen this before, you will probably find that table exists in your catalog but is owned by the administrator user and so can't be removed.

    My suggestion would be for you to copy all tables and views from your Actinic database into a new one - except for that one (in normal viewing mode you won't see it anyway, you have to enable view system tables to see it).

    If that doesn't make much sense, you probably need to contact Actinic who may be able to fix the database for you.

    Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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