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Fragments going into columns

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    Fragments going into columns

    Just started v9 site and when i select product layout to have 2 columns the fragments above are thrown around.
    spoke to tech support [ after 2 days on hold ] and they tried a partial fix but it is still not sorted.
    does anyone have any clues please as this must be most commen.
    also emailed tech support but they didnt understand the problem.

    Originally posted by cityslicker View Post
    spoke to tech support [ after 2 days on hold ] and they tried a partial fix but it is still not sorted.
    Did you ask for permission off the bill payer before making this call? I hope so.

    Looks like you need to specify widths for the cells if they go more than one wide, alternatively you could switch to a full CSS layout but i reckon that correcting the product list layout settings is the best and easiest way forward for you. If you do not assign widths, the table will do things itself as it sees fit, you need to take control and tell it what to do. The orange underlined link is what you need to click on, or select the layout from the design-library.

    There may be a colspan setting missing off the top TD also which tells it to span however many columns (ie TDs) for the first row.


      spent 2 hours on hold and 45 mins at position 1 before answerphone picked up
      could have beat someone to death with my phone by then

      anyway had a play with what you suggested and it has had a positive effect - although needs some tweaking as you can see.
      no html knowledge im afraid and im not sure if all i did is undo what tech support did


        You may want to look at that page under Firefox .. the floats on the image at the bottom is shot to pieces... the "online" of 2online catalogue" in the bottom breadcrumb is sitting half way up image #4

        It looks like the tables structure has been corrupted at some stage as there is some very peculiar code between the fragment text and the images. May be worth resetting the layout list back to factory in the library and starting again.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          just checking this is working !


            i have taken jonts advice and reset everything

            cant check firefox but it seems to have stopped everything being thrown all over

            i have set up 2 sections to show what im trying to do


            have noticed product being thrown right so i guess it needs some work but if anyone has any pointers then please let me know

