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    Upload files

    Is there a way at all on my site where I can place an mp3 file for people to download where it asks people what they'd like to do with the file (i.e. save it somewhere) when it's clicked on, rather than just opening quick time in another window?

    I'm using...

    !!<<a href="myfile.mp3" target="_blank">Your text here</a>>!!

    .. at the moment. Is there another way of doing it?


    Their browsers and the choices they have set decide this more than you. What you can do is zip it up and force a download of a zip file, but i think you are over engineering it somewhat, if they want to save it, then they can by right clicking on the link. Perhaps you could include that instruction to help them out. IMO just leave it there as a file and let their system decide what should be done with it.


      you could enter it as a product and put it in the digital download section with a zero payment/cost, they then order on line like they are buying it but download for free at end and you get there info. Or add it as a link and them decide how to save it

