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Generate menu in specific format

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    Generate menu in specific format

    Hi, I'd like to generate a menu to this effect.

    <div id="menu" class="menu_list">
      <p class="menu_head">TOP LEVEL SECTION A</p>
        <div class="menu_body">
            <a href="#">SUB SECTION</a>
      <p class="menu_head">TOP LEVEL SECTION B</p>
        <div class="menu_body">
            <a href="#">SUB SECTION A</a>
        <div class="menu_body">
            <a href="#">SUB SECTION B</a>
      <p class="menu_head">TOP LEVEL SECTION C</p>
        <div class="menu_body">
            <a href="#">SUB SECTION</a>
    I've read through Gabe's posts and the AUG on this sort of thing, but im not clear on how could i get actinic to generate this?

    thanks - The Discount Antivirus Store

    You need to use the section level variable in conjunction with Gabes tutorials. Shop top is level 0, Top Level Sections are level 1, next level is 2 etc. So you filter lists on section level, deciding which section levels you want to display. You will probably need to read and do gabe's exercises a few times until it locks in, once it does you will be amazed what you can do.

    Have a go and then show us where you have got to so far and what you are stuck on, a URL and your code is always good. Much better to have a go and then we can show you where you went wrong (if in fact you even do).

    PS - It is pointless adding an id and a class to a div like your very first one, just do one or the other and style it accordingly.

